Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is Jesus Undercover to You?

     I am excited to see the show ‘Undercover Boss’ return this season. It is amazing what happens when people do not know that the CEO of their business is present. They act and speak in ways they never would if they knew who was standing in front of them. They usually become shocked when they find out that their boss has been undercover in their presence.  Some are rewarded for their positive attitude, hard work, and encouraging words.  Others are disciplined for their negative attitude, lazy work, or critical words.
     It makes me wonder how different we would act if we could see Jesus with us every day. When we do not physically see Him, we often forget that He is hearing every word we speak and seeing everything we do. Imagine sitting down with Jesus as he played a video of your behavior and words yesterday; how would you feel?
     Jesus isn’t actually undercover with us. He tells us that He is with us. We are the ones that forget He is present and behave as if He isn't.  We are the ones that make Him undercover!
     Designate something, maybe a piece of jewelry you wear, to remember that Jesus is constantly with you. I wear a wedding ring to symbolize my marriage covenant to the world.  I think I am going to look for a cross ring to wear to remind me of my covenant with my Savior.  If you need a reminder at work, maybe you could put out a cross or any item you give that purpose to.

I'm an open book to you; even from a distance you know what I'm thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I'm never out of your sight.
Psalms 139:2-3

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Special and Unique

     One of the things I enjoy doing is making garters for friends when they get married. I have always hated the plain ribbon garters.  I make mine out of material and lace so both sides of the elastic is covered.  I think they are prettier this way. I made my garter when I got married and it has hung on my bedpost every day of our marriage as a reminder of our marriage vows and our love. Since I am not currently working, I have decided to start a business selling my garters. All the details of how we are going to distribute them has not been decided.  The first step is to make up a collection of garters. So, I am filling my time with sewing garters. I have thirty ready for handwork which I do by hand which can take up to two hours. It was challenging for me to make no two exactly the same. Though some may have some of the same material, or the same lace, or the same pearls, no two are put together the same.
    As I have been sewing, I think of how amazingly God made each of us. Though we may have the same color of hair, or color of eyes, or body build, we are all different. How did He make millions of people different? How did he knit each of us differently? How does He know each of us personally?
     We serve an awesome God!  He made you special and unique.  That takes a caring, loving God.  He could have used a cookie cutter and made us all the same, but He gave us each a special gift of being our one of a kind self! Praise Him for that!
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out: you formed me in my mother's womb.  I thank you, High God-- you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration -- what a creation!  You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you.  The days of my life all prepared before I'd even lived one of them.
Psalm 139:1-15

Monday, September 27, 2010

How Clearly Can You See

     The day I turn fifty is getting closer every day. We are now less than two months. I am getting use to the wrinkles, the sagging, the natural hair coloring, the crazy hormones, the irregular monthly cycles, the forgetfulness, and of course the slower recovery from falls. However, the thing that is my biggest struggle is the need for my glasses to read anything. I have worn glasses since I was 16 years old. I never needed them to focus, I just needed them to keep my eyes from getting too tired and giving me headaches. I went months at a time without wearing them. My eye doctor explained that my eyes have to work extra hard to focus and the glasses gives them a break from working so hard. They also said that one day my eyes would stop struggling to focus and they would simply stop focusing on their own. That day has come. Today, I can’t find my glasses and I am typing my devotion without being able to read the words. Dwayne will have fun with his editing today! I can go through my day without my glasses as long as I don’t have to read.
     It reminds me of my need for Jesus. The older I get the more I realize my dependence on Him. The more I realize that I need Him on a daily basis. Everything is just blurry without Him.
     How many times have I gone through my day without taking Him with me? I need His Spirit every day to keep me focused on the work He has for me that day! Without Him, I can’t see clearly. Why would I want to go through life with everything blurry when I can see clearly with Him?

I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from?  My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:1-2

Friday, September 24, 2010

What Makes You Successful

     While we were in New York City, we were able to have dinner out with a few of my sister’s co-workers. One of the people was a very impressive man. He was handsome, funny, and kind. He was very intelligent. He has a powerful position in the world of global finance. He knew everything about everything; from the world economy, to fashion, to celebrity gossip. He is also wealthy beyond imagination. He seems to have all the stuff that most people strive for. He has wealth, family, a prestigious career, knowledge, friends, homes, travel, great personality, good looks, and kindness. However, with all of this, my heart hurts for him for what he does not have. He does not have Jesus! He is not a believer. After calling me and Brittne ‘Holy Rollers’, I asked him why He did not believe. He said he had read a book that showed all the flaws of Christianity. We were not in a situation to have an in-depth conversation, so I challenged him to not make a life decision based on a book from one side. I told him that he needed to read a book from the other side, a book that shows why Christianity is real and then make a decision. I pray that those words will echo in his heart until he does.
     Don’t fall into the trap of looking up to what a person has in this life. Look up to those that are building for the life to come. Also, don’t spend your life reaching for all the things of this world but reach out to Jesus and let Him fulfill His purpose for you.

Prefer my life-disciplines over chasing after money and God-knowledge over a lucrative career.
Proverbs 18:10

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Want Knowledge?

      Eating in New York is great! There are bakeries and restaurants on every block. One of my favorite restaurants is Max Brenner, which is a restaurant where almost every item has chocolate in it. I combined two meals to be able to eat the extra caloies. No matter where you eat in NYC, you are able to make an inform decision. Every menu has the calorie intake listed beside the item. If you eat out three times a day, it will be easy to know if you stayed in your goal.

     The initial reaction from me was, “this is great, I wish it was this way everywhere!”  However, that turned to frustration when what I wanted was thousands of calories! New Yorkers hate it. They do not like having that knowledge in front of them all the time. It takes the ‘fun’ out of eating with no limits!
     Many Christians feel this way about knowledge. We learn this principle early in our faith that we are not responsible if we do not have knowledge about what is right and wrong. Can you imagine getting married and your spouse never finding out what they should do or not do as a married person, or find out how to bring you happiness, or how to show you love? That is exactly what that kind of thinking says to God. Knowledge teaches us how to walk with the Lord. It teaches us what we have to eliminate to be obedient to our Savior. It teaches us how to demonstrate our love to God.
     Don’t run from knowledge embrace it!

The mind of the prudent is ever getting knowledge, and the ear of the wise is ever seeking (inquiring for and craving) knowledge.
Proverbs 18:15

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God's Perspective

     Ever wonder why God does what He does? Ever wonder if He cares? Ever wonder if He understands what you are going through today?
     Regrettably, I have. Something feels wrong to question the God I serve, the God that created me, the God that I serve. However, He is still my Father and I sometimes have a tendency to judge my Father’s love for me by His actions.
     What we have to learn is to trust His reasoning behind the action. There were times I felt Dwayne was too hard on our son. I would whine to him and plead with him to change his treatment. He would explain to me that he had to prepare Bryce to be a responsible man and leader of his family. Today, when I look at my son, I can see that his molding of Bryce worked. We have to understand that God is love. Everything He does, He does with love. Whatever He is doing in your life, He does with a broader perspective of what He is molding you to be.
    When I was in New York City we contemplated going up to the top of the Empire State Building. After much debate we decided to go to Rockefeller Center’s Top of the Rock instead. We struggled to pay the $22 just to look at New York City. We had walked it for days and had seen so much already. We had walked in the busy, congested streets and seen the view of the buildings from the ferry. When we got to the top at sunset, we were awed. It was amazing looking down at the chaotic city that now seemed so tranquil. As the lights began to glow, the beauty increased. It was a sight worth every dime!
     It was a great picture to me about how our perspective changes with a different view. As we looked out over New York City, it was one whole picture, not just a block at a time. When God sees us, He sees our complete life, not just today!

She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me” for she said,  "I have now seen the One who sees me."
Genesis 16:13

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taste and See

     Our first day in NYC we went to Carlo Bakery in New Jersey. It is the bakery of the show Cake Boss. I do not make cakes but I love this show. He makes the most amazing life-like cakes. It was really weird to be in a place I could tell you so much about but yet had never visited. I knew they filmed Buddy doing his consulting for cake orders in the noock with the table and chairs. I knew that up the stairs was where they decorate the cakes. I knew the hallway by the display counters is where they take phone orders. I knew who was who in the bakery and I knew the deliveries go out though the door to the alley. I also knew all about the things they bake. Besides cakes, they make a large variety of pastries. I can tell you how most of them are made, I know they are famous for their cannoli and their crumb cake. I could tell you all about how they make their crumb cake. They actually take the cake they cut away to shape a decorated cake and use it to make the crumb cake. I knew customers went crazy over their crumb cake.
     As much as I knew about the bakery, I could not tell you from a personal experience how anything tasted. I assumed it was wonderful and it looked wonderful but until I experienced it and tasted it myself, I could not truly know. I never thought I would like crumb cake. Now, after experiencing it, I can definitely tell you that it was totally amazing; along with the chocolate covered strawberries, the Italian cookies, and the cupcakes!
     Many people can tell you all about church, Christianity, and the Bible! They can verbalize scripture to you and tell you what they heard from the sermon. However, all of it is just head knowledge. They haven’t experienced the goodness of the Lord themselves. I am not talking about just the unbelievers but many Christians as well never apply and live out the things they learn. They do not personally know how the power of God in their life can taste. They live off the testimonies of others but they do not taste for themselves.
     Have you tasted the goodness of God today? When was the last time you feasted on the Lord?

Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see - how good God is.
Blessed are you who run to him.
Psalm 34:8

Monday, September 20, 2010

How Was Your Worship

     Yesterday, Brittne and I attended church at Brooklyn Tabernacle. I have wanted to visit there for a long time. Many years ago the pastor wrote an amazing book called ‘Fresh wind, Fresh fire’. Their church was about to close their doors when they learned how to earnestly pray and now they are a very large, ethnic church with a world renown choir. It was an amazing service but the one thing that will forever stay with me is the spirit behind their worship. The volume from the first note sung to the last was amazing. Everyone sung out wholeheartedly to God; they came to worship. I looked through the 200+ choir to find anybody that was just ‘going through the motions’ and could not find anyone. I looked around the congregation and everyone was totally engaged in worship. When it came to offering praise to the Lord without the music, you could hear them speaking their understandable words of praise to God and when they gave a clap offering, you would have thought you were at a football game. At first I was a little uncomfortable because it was out of the norm for me; yet I knew it was completely Scriptural and the way Heaven will be. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and participate wholeheartedly in the worship and I was completely blessed! It was unforgettable.
     Scripture is clear that God loves the praise of his people. It speaks of the clapping of hands and the offering of praise. It also speaks of praising the Lord with all that is within me. It makes me realize that God must hate our ‘going through the motions’ in our worship. Without the right mindset we can so easily fall into that effortless behavior. We often have the mentality that we are here Lord, so bless me! Worship isn’t about us getting blessed, it is about us giving to God. Giving Him our sacrifice of praise, our time, and our teachable spirit is what our worship should be about.
     Think back to yesterday. What was your attitude going to church? What was it during church? Did you judge the singing? Did you criticize the song choices? Was the sermon too long? Was it too short? Did someone get your seat and throw your whole day off? Did you sing with full volume with everything in you? Did you think about lunch during prayer time? Did you just go through the motion?
Commit now to give all that is within you the next time you go to church and experience the blessing!

Praise the LORD!  Let all that I am praise the LORD.  I will praise the LORD as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath.
Psalm 146:1-2

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Read the Signs

     Almost every day I travel the same 8.5 miles home from Fort Gibson. I have done so for the last four years. I see the things around me but I do not pay too much attention to them. Today I paid attention to the signs. There were so many that I barely could count them. There were signs advertising business, signs about Jesus at churches, speed limit signs, one way signs, street signs, stop signs, buried pipe signs, warning signs on personal properties, ranch signs, election signs, county signs, etc. Actually, there were 275 signs that I could count.
     Though we often ignore them, can you imagine not having signs? How would we find our way around? How would we know how fast we could drive? How would we know how much we will pay for gas? How would we know not to go down a one way street? How would we know when we are in danger? It would be a very confusing, chaotic, unsure, dangerous place to live without signs.
     God gives us signs and directions to follow to live an abundant life in Jesus. However, many times we may read them but we really do not apply them. When we don’t we live with uncertainty, danger, confusion, and chaos. His word and the Holy Spirit are our signs of life. Isn’t it time we pay attention to them and really read and follow them? If God gives us directions, shouldn’t we follow them?

God is fair and just; He corrects the misdirected, sends them in the right direction. He gives the rejects his hand, and leads them step-by-step. From now on every road you travel will take you to God. Follow the Covenant signs; Read the charted directions
Psalms 25:8-10

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Where are Your Feet Planted

     This morning I am getting to do one of the things that I most hate! I have to admit that I don’t have a good attitude about it either. I am sitting in a tire and mechanic shop. It wasn’t so bad when the facility was new and shiny but now it has the total ‘man shop’ appearance. It isn’t really the appearance alone; it is everything about it. I can’t stand the smell of tires and there are stacks of them all over the place. I am getting a headache just smelling it. I actually think I am allergic to it cause I find it very hard to breathe. Another thing that I hate is that I am the only woman in here and I have been the only woman for half an hour. The men talk about cars and parts. They hack and clear their throats like a bunch of old men. The coffee pot is disgustingly dirty; I can’t believe that anybody would drink out of it. There are parts, batteries, belts, and boxes everywhere. There are two deer heads hanging on the wall along with many car posters. I am totally out of my element.
     As a Christian I should feel the same way about the world I live in. It should be a place I'm not comfortable with. It should stink to me and make me sick at times. I should feel like an alien. The behavior of worldly people should make me uncomfortable. Sin should disgust me.
     The problem is that as Christians we often embrace the world. We love keeping one foot in the world and one foot in our life as followers of Jesus Christ. We become a part of the world while we strive to be more spiritual. We set our self up for a good disaster when we try to serve two ways of living. It reminds me of a canoe trip Dwayne and I took in college. One of the friends we went with brought his St. Bernard. It was an amazing picture to see this huge dog floating down the river in a canoe! When we got to a slow place in the river, the dog decided he wanted to get into a different canoe. He put two feet in one canoe and two feet into another; then he froze! Soon the canoes started separating and the dog ended up in the water but he didn’t know how to swim!
     When we do not see the world as full as evil as it is, we often start to love the things of this world. When we start to love this world, we will divide our loyalty and loyalty divided is not loyalty.

Don't love the world or anything that belongs to the world.  If you love the world, you cannot love the Father.  Our foolish pride comes from this world and so do our selfish desires and our desire to have everything we see.  None of this comes from the Father.
1 John 2:15

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Encouragement: Who Needs It?

     At the end of the day, I have a tendency to evaluate the worth of my day. What did I produce? What difference did I make? Now don’t get me wrong, I think days of rest, fun, or pampering are worthwhile days; they can definitely make a difference in me! However, the days that consistently have more worth to me are the days that I was able to encourage someone. Nothing produces a high in me than thinking God used me to give someone an emotional hug! As much as I love that feeling, you would think that I would constantly look for opportunities. Regrettably, I get caught up in my business, my stress, my burnout, my struggles, my projects, my family, MY LIFE and become blind to those opportunities around me. Why do I let myself not do the things that most bless me?
     I know you are busy because we all are! But are you too busy to notice the people around you at this moment that need some encouragement. What about the co-worker sitting next to you that has personal issues that feel like they are being strangled? What about the spouse who is needs some reassurance? What about the child who feels unloved? What about the person behind the counter that feels invalid? You do not have to look far to find people who are struggling with their jobs, their marriages, their relationships, their finances, their children, their health, etc. Your encounter with these people can be crucial to their day or even their life.
      There was a popular book that opened with a line that seems to embed itself into the mind. It is a statement that we should make to our self daily; sometimes hourly. Let the words roll through your mind all day today and see if your focus changes. See what blessings come. The words are: IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!

And we earnestly beseech you, brethren . . . encourage the timid and fainthearted, help and give your support to the weak souls, [and] be very patient with everybody [always keeping your temper].
1 Thessalonians 5:14

Monday, September 13, 2010

Nothing Hidden

     Brittne is home now and she is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan, so tonight we watched the game! I caught myself criticizing players like I am a member of the football hall of fame. We said things like: “What kind of player is he?”, “Professional players should be better than that”, “I would sit him on the bench!”. To top off the game, Tony Romo throws a touchdown with 3 seconds left in the game for the win only to have it denied due to a penalty from the most penalized player in the NFL. I would hate to be that player walking into the locker room.
     It made me very grateful that my life is not on a big screen TV for others to evaluate. I am afraid I would receive much criticism. I am sure some would ask what kind of Christian am I? Some would say that that kind of behavior shouldn’t come from a preacher’s wife. Some might even think I should be benched. I can’t imagine anything worse than having my daily life on display for millions of people.  Especially to make such a wrong move that non-believers would look at me and say, “if that is what being a Christian is about, then I don’t want to be one!”
     One day, I am going to stand in the presence of my Creator and my Savior. He has viewed each play of my life and every move I have made. Nothing has been hid from Him. He has seen it all; including the sins of my heart. Yet, He still loves me! He still offers me grace today! And best of all, I can receive forgiveness by simply repenting and asking for it at any time. When God forgives, there are no reruns, the tape gets completely erased!

Oh God, You know my folly and blundering; my sins and guilt are not hidden from You.  Let not those who wait and hope and look to You, O Lord of hosts, be put to shame through me; let not those who seek and inquire for and require You [as their vital necessity] be brought to confusion and dishonor through me, God of Israel.
Psalm 69:5-6

Friday, September 10, 2010

Changing Roads

     When we lived in Montana, we would drive home to Oklahoma several times a year. There are three roads to choose from to travel. One is through South Dakota; one is through Nebraska, and one is through Kansas. There isn’t five minutes difference, so Dwayne would usually leave it up to me. I would always answer any way but Kansas! The Kansas highway is extremely flat, straight, and void of changing scenery: in other words it was boring! On the other hand, living in Montana, I was blessed to see some of the prettiest journeys which included roads that had an occasional turn, hills and mountains to climb, and changing scenery. You would be looking up from the valleys at the mountains and then you would be looking down from the mountain tops onto the valleys. You would see Christmas tree farms, rushing rivers, and gorgeous, blue, still, clear lakes. You could see wildlife at any turn. These roads were much different than the predictable highway of Kansas.
     What kind of road is your life on? I sit here this morning on my first day of not being employed in many years. I do not know what my future holds but I am excited to see what is around the next curve and over the next hill. I feel as if I have left the Kansas highway and I am back on a Montana road. The best thing about it is that Jesus is driving. I am going to sit in the passenger side, as always, and see where He leads me.
     When Dwayne drove me through Kansas, I never thought too much about my dependence on the driver. I would forget that my life was in his hands. However, when we were driving some of those Montana roads, I would remember my dependency on the driver. When there was a cliff three feet from my side of the car, I was aware every second of my dependence on him.
     Spiritually, getting off my Kansas road and onto my Montana road already has created a deeper dependency on the Lord. He has already shown His sovereignty and I look forward to seeing where He leads me. I have always been dependent on Him but sadly, sometimes it takes some discomfort and uncertainty to increase our awareness and need of dependency upon Jesus.
     Whatever road you are on spiritually, live today with an increased awareness of your need and dependency on Jesus! God is sovereign whether we acknowledge it or not, but we sure save ourselves some stress and turmoil when we ride along in the passenger seat!

Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.  In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your path.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Father and Healer

     I like watching the show, Emergency Room. It reminds me of the old show ‘911’ though it is more dramatic. The other day they had an emergency doctor who was a specialist in snake bites. He was the best in the country. One particular day he got the call he had always feared. His two year old son had been bitten by a poisonous rattle snake; one of the most deadly. He knew the practice that doctors do not treat their own family but in this case he was the only one who could save is son’s life. No other doctor had his knowledge. He had to lay aside his personal feelings and stay in his doctor mentality and treat his son. He had to work the process of healing him. He could not take any short cuts. He had to give the right medicine, in the right doses, in the right timing. His son’s life was in his hands.
    It made me think of the times or Heavenly Father heals us. He is the expert; there is no one else that can heal us. However, the doctor’s son did not magically become healed because his dad was a specialist and we aren’t going to be just because our Father is the Great Physician. We still have to go through the process. He has to work His healing in our spirit. We cannot take shortcuts or run from the medicine. We must remain surrendered to his healing hands and let Him work His healing in us.
"Thank you, Jesus, for being our Great Physician! May we follow your orders to allow your healing work in our lives until you totally cure us of unhealthy things in us! Thank you for your care!"

You, Lord, are the one I praise. So heal me and rescue me! Then I will be completely well and perfectly safe. 
Jeremiah 17:14  CEV

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Darkness Is Scary

      Last night we drove to the lake to see some friends that were camping. After a while, two of my woman friends were going to walk to get ice cream, a little over a mile on a paved road. I borrowed a pair of walking shoes and off we went. When we got to the restaurant we stood in line for 35 minutes. It was light when got there, but after standing in line, it was dark outside. We kept hoping that someone would start to worry and come and get us but no such luck. We had worn glow sticks on our neck and wrist so we took off for our journey back. It was pitch black outside but between the passing cars and the glow sticks, we were making it fine. Then we reached a part of the road where the trees canopied over the street and the black got blacker. When it became so black that we could not see our feet things started to seem very scary. Wouldn’t you know it; this was the only time that no cars came by to shine light on our path. One friend kept asking, “Did you hear that?” We always answered no until we all heard a very loud rustle coming through the woods next to us. Though we fought off the fear that was pouncing on us, I assumed it was a deer. So, I screamed at it and waved my glow stick. I do not claim to be knowledgeable about nature and wildlife (Dwayne: Though I try to teach her!) but I am married to a wildlife fanatic and I have learned a few things from him. A deer should have run off. This sound became more intense and it was still coming towards us. We had no idea what it was and we did not stay around to find out. We did not run but we walked as fast as we could. All we wanted to do was to get to the light. The light would relieve the unknown and let us see our surroundings.

    Instantly, I realized how walking in the darkness can be an overwhelming experience. Yet, so many walk in spiritual darkness and they do not want to move to the light. I cannot imagine choosing to go through life living in darkness. The fear of what you don’t know or can’t see must be overwhelming.
      When you experience true blackness you appreciate the light. This world is consumed with darkness and Jesus is the Light of the world. In the light we see things clearly, fear is not escalated, and we can deal with reality and the unknown.
     Thank you Jesus for being my light, for helping me see clearly, and for lighting my path!

Walk in the Light . . . This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

1 John 1:4b-7

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Not Always Like It Seems

     Today I put on a pair of jeans that are one of my favorites. They are my ‘comfort’ jeans. When I got out of the shower, I went to put on my jeans and they were much harder to get on. At first I thought it was due to my skin still being damp. It wasn’t long until I was sure it was because I must have gained weight . . . over night! Why were these pants tight when none of my other ones were? I went into a panic that I am not being realistic again about my weight and that I am gaining and not wanting to face it. I was struggling to keep it together. Gaining my weight back is one of my fears. I got them on and then started to put my make-up on. Then the need to use the restroom hit me. As I went to unzip my pants I realized that I had put my pants on with them zipped. No wonder they were so hard to get up!
     Many things we panic over in life are not based on correct knowledge. It is no coincidence that fears and lies both come from Satan. He is a good fisherman! He gets a hook of panic and baits it with fear and lies, we come along and bite it, and immediately we are hooked by his scheme.
     We need to learn how Satan works and what he uses for his bait so we can recognize it and avoid it. We must start paying attention to how he attacks us. What is Satan's bait for you? Do you know? If you don’t, you will get hooked!

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief—
we’re not oblivious to his sly ways!
2 Corinthians 2:11

Friday, September 3, 2010

Rest From Your Labor

     For many of you, your Labor Day weekend starts today! Wish mine did; I will have to wait until 5:00 for mine to start. What does Labor Day mean to you? The end of summer? The beginning of football season? The time to rest from our labor? Or my choice; all of the above!
     I am ecstatically happy to think that the extremely hot weather we have had is now behind us. I am excited to watch the first OU game. Now that Brittne is dating a Texan, it is more important than ever for OU to do well! I would hate to start off the relationship with having to eat crow served up by him and his family! lol  And more than ever, I am happy to have a three day weekend. Work has been crazy for the last few weeks and I  welcome the break.
     We need to remember to take a spiritual rest this weekend too! Take some time just to rest from the work, craziness, and stress of your life and find some rest with Jesus. Maybe read a Christian book, or read the Word, spend time praying, and better yet, just be still in His presence and let Him talk to you!
     Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. {I will ease and relieve and refresh your soul}.
Matthew 11:28

Thursday, September 2, 2010


     One thing I have been struggling with is making sure that I mean what I say. My actions do not always follow what I speak. With that as the content let me ask you a Question! Are you willing to follow God? Yes or No!
     Most of us would say yes. That is what we said when we became Christians. However, do we really mean it? Does our actions show what our words say? What does ‘follow God’ mean to you?
     Would you sell everything and go on the mission field if God told you to? Isn’t that always the big question we think? And we typically answer, “If God told me to I would!”
     Then we have to determine if and when God is telling us to do something and we have to learn how to hear God. Maybe I will address that in a later devotion. But there are a lot of things we don’t have to get personalized orders for. God tells us many things to do that constitute following Him. . It is clear that following God will lead us to obedience and will lead us to a closer walk with Him. Following Him is what makes us grow and mature as a follower of Christ. I have listed some of the ways God tells us following Him will entail. Though listing them may comes across as a list to please God, I do not believe that following God is about doing a list. God loves me and knows my struggles. However, that does not mean that we reap the blessing of following God by never doing anything or by growing. Following Jesus is following His teaching. Ponder each of the following questions and ask yourself if your action are showing what your words proclaim.
Would you invest time serving dependably in the body?
Would you forgive the person who hurt you?
Would you stop wanting what you don’t have and learn to be content?
Would you learn to love your spouse in a deeper more Christ like way?
Would you walk away from a career or a job if it was detrimental to your family?
Would you deal with your addiction to whatever you rely on more than Jesus?
Would you be a good steward of your monetary blessing and tithe to your church?
Would you be a good steward of your physical blessing and learn to take care of your body?
Would you spend time everyday talking to your Savior?
Would you read the Word that God has given you every day?
Would you look for ways to minister to those around you?
Would you learn how to get control of your thoughts and flush the ones that are not from Jesus?
Would you get rid of the activities in your life that do not bring honor to Jesus?
Would you learn how to share the salvation message?

There are many other things but this is probably sufficient for now! I am already convicted! So, now let me ask you a question. Will you follow God? Does your actions back your words? Will you do what He tells you to do? Yes or No?

Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You’re not in the driver’ seat; I am. Don’t run from suffering; embrace it. Follow me and I’ll show you how. Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for? Don’t be in such a hurry to go into business for yourself. Before you know it the Son of Man will arrive with all the splendor of his Father, accompanied by an army of angels. You’ll get everything you have coming to you, a personal gift.
Matthew 16: 24-27

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

What is Good In Your Life?

     I opened my computer to start my devotion though nothing was stirring within me to write about. That doesn’t worry me too much because many times God doesn’t speak until my fingers are on the keyboard. However, I felt led to check in on my Facebook friends before I went to write the devotion. The remarks on Facebook always interest me; they are so diverse. Some days seem to have a sad and depressing tone to the statuses: today was one of those days. I read some that said they were down in the dump, or have had a hard day, or can’t wait for this day to be over. However, there was one that caused me to pause with my mouth hanging open and I really would just like to cry for this person. Their status read, “I love how nothing good ever happens to me!” This is the person I saw accept Christ just over a year ago! Nothing good has happened to them? I then saw 12 responses and was relieved to see that others would surely lovingly remind her of the great things in her life; like two children! Here are some of the comments:
“I feel you, one day it will be our turn I hope!” “I'm out of toilet paper because of you.” “Haha that's funny. Umm I think we all feel like that until we think we are in love. . Then we find out that was a big lie as well.” “I sure hope so cause life sure does suck right now!” “I am in the same boat....just keep your head up!” “I so know that feeling” “me too!!” “If it makes you feel any better I just got broken into for the third time this year, second time in as many months. Got us for about $3000 worth of stuff. Your life isn't that bad.”
     WOW! Such wonderful, encouraging remarks! It is so easy to look at the junk in life and then compare our junk! Life can be hard and I do not want to ever make light of that. It seems like there are sad stories everywhere and everyone is hurting. In the last few weeks I have heard of a young couple losing their newborn a year after they lost their first newborn; a mother who died and left a 21 year old to take care of her four siblings and two children; a young father who got hit on his motorcycle and was found dead a day later; many marriages dealing with adultery to lack of love and attentiveness; parents dealing with the health and emotional struggles of their children; single parents losing jobs; people diagnosed with cancer; a person who can’t afford their medicines any more; and a three year old that drowned. That doesn’t count the day to day problems of jobs, finances, relationships, busyness, child rearing, heartbreaks, and sickness. YES, LIFE IS HARD!! We are not in Heaven yet!
     Just because we have hard times in life does not mean that nothing good has happened to us! It just means we are counting our junk instead of our treasures. It is these times we have to do what the old hymn says, ‘count your blessings; name them one by one’. Some of our blessings are: children, family, friends, life, a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and the most important . . . God’s love! If you are a Christian, God has proved His love for you by giving you eternal life with Him!
     As bad as this life can be, remember that without God this is the best it is going to be for you because one day you will spend eternity in hell. But if you are a Christian, this is the worse it will be for you because you will spend eternity in Heaven with Jesus!
     May you remember that because of who you are in Jesus Christ, you are more than the choices you've made, or the sum of your past mistakes, or the problems you have, or about what you've done, or where you've been, or your brokenness. You are a child of God (or you have the choice to be a child of God). Jesus loved you enough to die for you. He wants to heal your brokenness. He offers you forgiveness. He walks with you. He wants a relationship with you. He gives you a new heart and makes you a new creature.
     Now, what is more important? Your problems or the amazing love God gives you?

I’ve been flogged five times with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes, beaten by Roman rods three times, pummeled with rocks once. I’ve been shipwrecked three times, and immersed in the open sea for a night and a day. In hard traveling year in and year out, I’ve had to ford rivers, fend off robbers, struggle with friends, struggle with foes. I’ve been at risk in the city, at risk in the country, endangered by desert sun and sea storm, and betrayed by those I thought were my brothers. I’ve known drudgery and hard labor, many a long and lonely night without sleep, many a missed meal, blasted by the cold, naked to the weather. And that’s not the half of it, when you throw in the daily pressures and anxieties of all the churches. When someone gets to the end of his rope, I feel the desperation in my bones. When someone is duped into sin, an angry fire burns in my gut. If I have to “brag” about myself, I’ll brag about the humiliations that make me like Jesus.
2Corinthians 11:24-30