A few years after we got to Montana, I met a Christian Counselor in town. We met for lunch to get to know each other. She was new to Montana so I was glad to encourage her with my newly developed expertise in the Montana culture. After lunch, she asked me a question. It was an offer I had never had before or since. She asked me if I would be her accountability partner. Well, I really didn’t know what that entailed but it sounded like free counseling to me, so I agreed. I have had some people actually think I needed some counseling! lol With her being a counselor and me being a pastor’s wife, we both gave a lot of counseling but didn’t really have the opportunity to lay our heart bare to another and be held accountable to the things we knew we needed to do in order to grow closer to the Lord. Since my accountability partner was a counselor, she gave me many new activities to do. One assignment she gave me, changed my view of God forever. I spent some uninterrupted hours alone with God. I had to clear my mind to be able to focus on hearing God. I felt like I was walking through a shopping mall, window shopping, with each window being a part of my life that pulled for my attention. I had to keep walking pass all of them to get to the door at the end, where I could get alone with God. When I finally got my mind cleared of all the clutter, I realized that I had really been scared to be in the presence of God. I saw him as a very powerful king on His throne. Coming into his presence was more like hanging out in the back of the throne room, being part of the crowd. Though it is true that he is a powerful king, I came to understand that he is also my father and I have complete access to Him. That is an amazing concept. One of my favorite movies is Anna and the King. He was the powerful King of Siam, but when there was a problem in the classroom with his children, his favorite daughter had no problem running straight to the throne room, passing all the obstacles and climbing up on her father’s lap to tell him how he was needed. He didn’t scold her but responded to her need immediately. Since that time, I have had no problem being that little girl. To run to my Heavenly Father, who happens to be the King of the Universe, and climb up in His lap and find comfort in my complete dependence on Him. If you haven’t climbed up into God’s lap lately, let me assure you there is no better place.
"oh, my Father—my God. My Rock of Salvation”
Psalm 89:26
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