Have you ever thought about who knows you the best? Think about all the different roles and titles you have. Who knows you in most of these roles? In Montana, I had a friend who was a southerner like me. I was friends with her ex-sister in law and we ended up working in the same three positions at the Department of Revenue. We were both mothers of young teenagers and members of the same church. We never ran out of things to talk about. Home, work, church, the south, we could cover it all! I have had many great friends but I have never had a friend that we shared so many aspects of life.
Each of us can come up with a list of titles, roles and attributes that would describe us. My list would be: daughter, wife, mother, mother in-law, sister, cousin, aunt, sister-in-law, granddaughter, niece, friend, co-worker, classmate of the Owasso class of 1979, NSU alumni, HR, Wellness, Disease Management, Health conscious, health coach, teacher, Christian, pastor’s wife, Fusion member, Okie, shopper, golfer, pre-menopausal, cruise lover, American, decorator, dog owner, home owner, driver, blogger, OU fan, reader, cook, homemaker, ex gardener (lol), etc. This list allows you to know me better. It teaches you about my relationships, interest, skills, passions, and choices.
One thing I am thankful for is that Jesus provided us a list of names, titles and metaphors for Himself which allows us to know Him personally and intimately. We do not follow a one dimensional Savior, we follow a multi-faceted Lord. Part of the list that Scripture gives us about Jesus is; Desired of All the Nations, Everlasting Father, Faithful and True Witness, First Born Among Many Brothers, First Born From the Dead, Firstborn Over All Creation, Forerunner, Foundation, Fountain, Friend, Gate, Gift of God, Glory of Israel, Good Shepherd, Head of the Church, Heir of All Things, High Priest, Holy One of God, Hope of Glory, Horn of Salvation, I Am, Immanuel, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Judge, King of Kings, Lamb of God, Life, Light of the Gentiles, Light of the World, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Living Stone, Lord and Savior, Lord of Glory, Lord of Lords, Lord of the Dead and Living, Lord of the Sabbath, Master, Mediator, Messiah, Mighty God, One and Only, Our Holiness, Our Passover, Our Redemption, Our Righteousness, Physician, Prince of Life, Prince of Peace, Rabbi, Redeemer, Righteous Branch, Righteous Servant, Rising Sun, Rock, Root and Offspring of David, Ruler of God’s Creation, Savior, Servant, Shepherd, Son, Son of Abraham, Son of God, Son of Man, Stone, Sure Foundation, Teacher, The Almighty, The Beginning, The Last Adam, The Morning Star, The Prophet, True God, True Light, True Vine, Truth, Way, Wisdom, Wonderful Counselor, Word of God, etc.
What an amazing Savior we have and how amazing it is that He wants an intimate relationship with us!
Each of us can come up with a list of titles, roles and attributes that would describe us. My list would be: daughter, wife, mother, mother in-law, sister, cousin, aunt, sister-in-law, granddaughter, niece, friend, co-worker, classmate of the Owasso class of 1979, NSU alumni, HR, Wellness, Disease Management, Health conscious, health coach, teacher, Christian, pastor’s wife, Fusion member, Okie, shopper, golfer, pre-menopausal, cruise lover, American, decorator, dog owner, home owner, driver, blogger, OU fan, reader, cook, homemaker, ex gardener (lol), etc. This list allows you to know me better. It teaches you about my relationships, interest, skills, passions, and choices.
One thing I am thankful for is that Jesus provided us a list of names, titles and metaphors for Himself which allows us to know Him personally and intimately. We do not follow a one dimensional Savior, we follow a multi-faceted Lord. Part of the list that Scripture gives us about Jesus is; Desired of All the Nations, Everlasting Father, Faithful and True Witness, First Born Among Many Brothers, First Born From the Dead, Firstborn Over All Creation, Forerunner, Foundation, Fountain, Friend, Gate, Gift of God, Glory of Israel, Good Shepherd, Head of the Church, Heir of All Things, High Priest, Holy One of God, Hope of Glory, Horn of Salvation, I Am, Immanuel, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Judge, King of Kings, Lamb of God, Life, Light of the Gentiles, Light of the World, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Living Stone, Lord and Savior, Lord of Glory, Lord of Lords, Lord of the Dead and Living, Lord of the Sabbath, Master, Mediator, Messiah, Mighty God, One and Only, Our Holiness, Our Passover, Our Redemption, Our Righteousness, Physician, Prince of Life, Prince of Peace, Rabbi, Redeemer, Righteous Branch, Righteous Servant, Rising Sun, Rock, Root and Offspring of David, Ruler of God’s Creation, Savior, Servant, Shepherd, Son, Son of Abraham, Son of God, Son of Man, Stone, Sure Foundation, Teacher, The Almighty, The Beginning, The Last Adam, The Morning Star, The Prophet, True God, True Light, True Vine, Truth, Way, Wisdom, Wonderful Counselor, Word of God, etc.
What an amazing Savior we have and how amazing it is that He wants an intimate relationship with us!
Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name and those attributes which that name denotes.
1 Chronicles 29:13
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