Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Is What You Make It

One of the best, most unique Christmas presents I ever received as a child was from my grandparents. They owned an old fashion store in a small town in Arkansas. For Christmas, they walked the ailes with a box and threw everything they thought I would like into it. I got candy, toothbrushes, toys, gum, Cracker Jacks, and enough other stuff (my mother said, junk) to fill a large box. I loved it! It was also the last Christmas present I received from them. For religious reasons they stopped celebrating Christmas. After all, they claimed, it really wasn't Christ birthday, it was just a date that man picked.
They were right, it isn't the actual date that Christ was born. Scholars have said that Jesus would have been born in the Spring. It is also true that man has made Christmas very commercial with trees, lights, gifts, parties, food, etc. However, I believe wholeheartedly that Christmas is what you make it. Satan is really good about taking spiritual things and making it into something worldly. So, let's take all the commercialism and turn it into something that teaches our children about Jesus. Let all the 'gifts mania' be a reminder to us of the greatest gift of Jesus, Who was willing to leave all His glory and come to earth to be born a mere man and sacrifice His life in order to offer us eternal life with Him. It may not be his actual birthday but what is wrong with sitting aside a time to remember God's gift of His only Son to us. Scripture is constantly telling us to remember the acts of God. God established many feast and festivals with the Jewish people to help them remember those very things. We should let Christmas, that we set aside to remember an act of God, remind us of God's greatest gift to humanity and also who Jesus is. For example:

  • We put up an evergreen in our home and call it our Christmas tree - Jesus is the everlasting Savior who wants to make his home with us.
  • We put up lights - Jesus is the Light of the world, a Light in the darkness.
  • We hang ornaments on the tree - Jesus gives us His Spirit and gifts and talents that takes our ordinary lives and makes us special, and beautiful.
  • We give gifts- Jesus was God's Gift to the world.
  • We spend time with family and friends- Because of the sacrifice of Jesus we belong to the family of God.
  • We celebrate the birth of Jesus - The angels celebrated the birth of Jesus and proclaimed His glory!
  • Santa Clause brings gifts - Teach the story of St. Nicolas (if you do not know it, I will share it tomorrow)

Christmas can be what you make it. If we let everything we do point to Jesus, then we are glorifying Him. Look for ways to teach others about Jesus. Hearts are open this time of year to the Good News. Don't just go through the motions of Christmas which doesn't set us apart from the world. Let the joy of Jesus radiate from you and bless all those around you. Look for every opportunity to focus on and celebrate Jesus. Let it be a season of remembrance. Teach your children and your grandchildren the wonder of Christmas. If Christians don't celebrate the birth of Jesus, who will? The angels sure celebrated the birth of Jesus!

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.”
Luke 2:11-14


Steph said...

I am so glad that you did this post. It made me happy. I always think when I see our Christmas tree shining and how bright I think it is and I wonder how much more brighter was the star that the wise men saw?!?! There are so many things at Christmas that remind me of Jesus and the gift that God gives us.

Sherry said...

ok so the post titled "live like its your last Christmas" wont let me post a comment....can you fix it tonya?