Before we even went to Peru, we knew it was going to be more than a tourist vacation or a visit to see a daughter. We knew it would be an eye opening, mission minded, spiritual growing experience. Seeing the world our daughter serves in and the sacrifices she makes was definitely all of that. However, we knew there was an outing she had planned for us that would be certain to pull at our heart

strings. It is a place where she started volunteering weeks ago and now wanted to share with her family. It was an orphanage in Lima. Just the thought of it conjured up many images. We were expecting the worse. We had seen some extreme poverty ridden areas and we anticipated a dirty, broken down, building with malnourished, unkempt children. We took a taxi to the orphanage. The closer we got, the more rundown the buildings became. We ended up in a community with dirt streets and no signs of prosperity. Brittne led the taxi to a wall with a large, green, solid metal gate. I’m not talking about a gate in a fence; I am talking about a gate that was at least an 8’ x14’ gate. Brittne pushed a buzzer, like a door bell. Soon a little window opened and closed and the door in the gate opened. I know we each took a deep breath preparing for what we thought we would see. We stepped in and our jaws must have dropped to the ground. I remember trying to figure out how I left reality and entered into this make believe world! The sound of children laughing and playing in a pool of water brought me out of my confusion and I started realizing that though this felt like we had just walked into Heaven itself, it was actually the orphanage. We had totally misjudged what we were going to see. What we did see was an amazing, beautiful play area with

happy, clean, adorable children. Three modern buildings surrounded the playground with cement sidewalks paving the walkways from building to building, all lined with flower beds. Brittne had told us churches in the states support the orphanage and also send mission teams to help with different projects. God’s people did GREAT! Sometimes we as Christians do not give our best when it comes to helping others. There are times we do just enough to make us feel good about ourselves. I have seen people donate clothes that are torn and stained to the poor. I have seen people give furniture that is old and broken, expecting others to be grateful. A person can have an attitude that their trash should be good enough for the poor. The Christians that have supported this orphanage did not have that kind of attitude; they gave the best to these needy children. These children were in clean, new clothes. Their furniture was solid and in good shape. The teachers were loving and kind. (They even took the children in one by one to brush their teeth after lunch). There was a part of me that wanted to live there. I would feel blessed for the opportunity. I will never forget Roxana coming up to me and taking my hand to play. I will remember Judith who played with me on the grass and would teach me a Spanish word for an item and then I would teach her the English word. I will never forget

feeding Liz, the adorable little girl that Brittne wants as her niece. Dwayne and Bryce will not forget the little boys throwing the balls to them just begging for some rough housing. One little boy would love on Dwayne and pat him on the head. These precious children had all been abused and now they live a life with love, security, joy, provision, learning, care, guidance, and healthy interaction. They learn about God and how Jesus loves them. Their eyes are not filled with sadness but with peace. Spending time here with the children and staff will always be considered one of my greatest blessings and a great life changing experience.
The pictures in my mind of Liz will always represent a spiritual picture of me. I once belonged to a father who goes by the name of Satan, Lucifer, and the Devil. He abused me, lied to me, and deceived me. His goal was to destroy me. However, there came a point in my life that I learned about my Heavenly Father who loved me and wanted to care for me, guide me, nurture me, and bless

me. I chose to leave my life of sin and enter into my Heavenly Father’s care. Since then, He has surrounded me with His protection and healed my hurts. I abide with Him and it is a beautiful and amazing place to live! Hallelujah! What a Savior!
You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as his own children because God sent the Spirit of his Son into our lives crying out "Papa! Father!" (Galatians 4:6 The Message)
Wow....never judging a book by its cover comes to mind. What a description. I know God's loves shines through our dirt....what an amazing display of that. I would have had to bring one home with me. God bless Brittne for her obedience and love for Jesus. Wish I could have been a stow-a-way on that trip!!!
Thanks you for sharing your experience. Reading/hearing how churches and people have supported the orphanage and made it look so nice makes my heart happy. We should do a mission trip!!!! I have never been on one but always wanted to go!
I can just see Brittne now with all those little kids. Them being in awe of her and HIS spirit she brings them. I'm blessed through you and your trip and hearing about it, but i'm with Steph. Let's go......
I don't have words to express my heart right now.
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