Sunday, May 29, 2011

Digging For That Which is Lost

     Living in Montana gave new challenges to my motor skill dysfunction. To add ice and snow to my daily obstacle course proved to be very challenging for me. One very snowy day, Bryce and I had gone to WalMart. Usually the plows go through the parking lots and pile up snow banks over five feet tall. However, this day the plows had not made it and the snow was far above my ankles and it was still snowing. With keys in hand, Bryce and I started running (Dwayne: RUNNING in snow!  Here it comes!) to my car. I know you know what is coming; I did not make it to my car without wiping out in the middle of the parking lot. I think this is the only fall I have had that I was not hurt, thanks to the layer of snow. I did have a problem though. When I fell, the keys in my hand went flying. (Have you noticed that I always have things flying?) Now we found ourselves cold, covered with snow, and with no keys to return home. We had no choice but to go on a hunt for the keys. We dug through the snow with our feet and our hands looking for where the keys flew having no idea how far they traveled or in which direction. It seems Bryce was too busy watching his mother wipe out in the middle of traveling cars through the parking lot than to see where the keys went. We were persistent to find the keys and after awhile I found them a little further from the scene than I had expected.
     Many times when we take emotional and spiritual falls in life we end up tossing some things in the wind. We realize that before we can get back to life before the fall, we have to recover what was lost after the fall. It could be many things like compassion, trust, respect, self worth, forgiveness, acceptance, strength, or a tender heart towards God. These are things we can’t afford to live without. We must find them in order to recover completely from our fall. Do not underestimate the need to search for the things lost. They are worth all effort to find.
     What has your fall or falls cost you? Have you lost something through the hurt or humiliation? Search for it! Ask God to restore your heart back to where it needs to be? Keep seeking. . .you will find it.

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8 (NLT)


jamie said...

Does anyone have a shovel and bucket? Even the toy beach one will do.

Steph said...

oh Tonya your stories are the best! You should write a book! I am loving the devotions that go with your fall stories.

Mrs. T said...

Maybe it would be a good idea to start lugging around a cam corder. One of two things will happen. Either you'll make a fortune from the videos or since your prepared now. you'll never fall again!! In a way sounds like a win-win situation. I have not laughed so hard in a long time. I'm so thankful those angels were there to lessen the falls,because Dwayne and Fusion really need you. So do the rest of us who love you.