Saturday, May 22, 2010

For the World to See

     Between the last two falls, which happened in the same church within two weeks, I have now revealed to everyone what a klutz I am. Many people enjoyed that revelation and used it as a great target for their teasing and bantering. One of these times, was when a friend and Dwayne picked me up and carried me from the sanctuary, across the street, and up the stairs to Sunday school. They wanted to make sure I could get there safely without falling. What great gentlemen they were! lol I’d like to see them try that today! (Not because of my extra pounds but because of their extra pounds and age!) The next story I am sharing with you is not about me falling but about something of mine falling. It brings the same level of embarrassment though! The church we were attending (same one) had two church services and two Sunday schools. We attended the first church service and the second Sunday school hour. When Sunday school was over, we walked with many of our friends back over to the main building to pick up our children from their classes. This particular Sunday, church had already concluded. This made for crazy congestion. Cars pulling out of parking spots, lines of cars on the street, and people trying to cross the street made for interesting dodging. Our group of friends were crossing the street together, which means there are cars stopped going both directions waiting on us. I do not mean to take anything away from God's greatness and power, but there are times in my life, I think I bring some comic relief to God. I am not for sure if that has not been my purpose in life! lol In my mind God has pulled up a chair in the window of Heaven and had others in Heaven do the same. I can hear Him say, "Okay, watch this . . . it’s coming!" Back to my story. I believe there was an invisible "X" right in the middle of the street that day because as soon as my foot touched that "X", the elastic in my slip broke and my slip went clear to my ankles! (Dwayne: I kept walking and never looked back once I saw what happened!) In reality, a slip is just a piece of fabric but once it is called a slip, it is a private undergarment. At this point there isn't anything private about my undergarment! As the laughter began, I SHUFFLED over to a parked car and stepped out of my slip. I stuck it in my purse until I saw my first trash can. It was on this day, that I swore I would never wear another slip and I haven't! I am sure I have given some shows in the spotlight of the sun, but so be it. At least, I don't have a slip around my ankles!
     In our lives we have things we consider private. Things we do not share with the world. Some of us have more than others, but we all have them. It can be very devastating when our private things are seen by others. These private things can be actions, thoughts, behaviors, or mistakes. Different things can reveal them: an uncontrolled tongue of a friend, unintentional words of an acquaintance, a breaking point, stressful trials and tests, or a relaxed frame of mind. Whatever the reason, in a split of a second, what we considered private is now public. It might not be that big of a deal to anyone but us, but it feels invasive.
     What do you do at that time? Get angry? Try and cover it up? Shuffle around and pretend your slip isn’t at your ankles? Or do you take a deep breath, shrug it off, and step out of it! The bigger deal you make it, the bigger deal it is to others. Learning to say, “Oh, well! I guess you just saw a little of my true colors!” will get you through the situation quickly and you will come out of it a better person.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors.
James 1:2


Mrs. T. said...

I had the same slip incident happen to me. Was waiting for the bus at a very busy stop in downtown Los Angeles when I was 19. I had a problem with it earlier and didn't want to take the time to at least pin it since I didn't want to be late for work. All I could do was say gee how did that happen? Stepped out of it shoved it in my purse. Only a few people giggled but seemed to take it in stride. Ever since that time, whenever I use a slip I always check it first. I should not have ignored it the first time. When we have thses little voices in our head they are there for a reason. I was taught a very good lessons that day. Whe I got home and told Hubby he laughed enough for everyone there that day!! Sometimes an unpleasant memory can be good if you learn from it. Such are lessons.

Steph said...

Mrs. T thanks for sharing your story!!!
I don't get angry when my "true colors" show but maybe a little embarassed. I am working on that too! Always areas to improve on.:-)

Steph said...

oh one more thing. Tonya I was laughing out loud again. And when I read Dwayne's little exert that he just kept on walking once he realized what happened...that made me laugh even more! HA!

Sara said...

I tend to absorb the virtue of showing my true colors the older I get. The older I get the more I realize that I just want to be myself. Even if that means people see me fall or they see me "slip". I think that goes to show that I'm human and it's ok if they are as well.