Friday, July 2, 2010

Freedom in Christ

      For many, the holiday weekend begins today! Not for me, I have to work today but I am already looking forward to my three day weekend! The older I get the more I focus on the meaning of holidays. The fourth of July, is a time to thank God for the freedom that we are honored with. The majority of the world would love to have the freedom that we often take for granted. However, there is another freedom that everyone anywhere can have and that is the freedom of Christ. I remember an album cover I saw twenty five years ago of a man looking out from behind bars and the title of the album was across the top; “I’m FREE”! We usually do not consider being behind bars a picture of freedom. Four years ago, Dwayne and I started the journey of discovering what freedom in Christ means! We use that term often, but do we really know what it means? If we do not know its meaning, how can we live in the ‘freedom of Christ’? Imagine two different jobs at two different companies. Basically, the work is the same, the policies of the companies are the same, and the pay is the same. The difference is the atmosphere. In one company, you are watched constantly. Every mistake you make is noted and remembered by your supervisor. You are accountable for every minute of your time. You are not allowed to speak to anyone but to keep your attention on your work. You supervisor walks by you throughout the day but does not speak or acknowledge you. They never acknowledge anything positive that you do but will draw attention to any action you do that they do not like and spread it around to anybody. Now the other job, is the opposite. You are expected to do your job and you are not watched. You have the freedom to set your own schedule within reason for your forty hours. You are encouraged to know your coworkers and to look for ‘fun’ opportunities throughout your day. Your supervisor makes it a point to walk through and greet everyone and make sure every person is acknowledged every day. They look for ways to recognize the hard work and dedication of the employees. If there is a problem, it is taken care of in private and it's forgotten. You are encouraged on a consistent basis. You are empowered to do the job you were hired to do.
     The difference you would feel between those two jobs, would be like the difference between serving God through ‘freedom in Christ’ and the bondage of the law. Some people go to church week after week and are beat up with all the man made religious laws. Some go and experience God's grace. It doesn’t mean the scriptural commands and way of life is different. It just feels different. Jesus taught this when He spoke of His yoke. A yoke was the teaching that a teacher taught their students. Some teacher's yokes were hard and burdensome. Jesus said His yoke was light. He continued to say that if you are tired and weary from all those rule oriented, Pharisaical teachings, you can come to Him find rest!
     Are you tired from all the religion in your life? How burdensome does the Christian walk feel to you? Ask God for eyes to see the bondage that we put ourselves under and run to Jesus and take His yoke. Rest in Him! His yoke is easy! Then you will experience the freedom of Christ!

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28-30

1 comment:

Steph said...

I am so thankful for our freedom in this country and I am especially thankful for the freedom that God has given me....He has set me free from the bonds of sin!!! AMEN!!!