Until recently, I always believed that nobody knew you better than you mother! They had been taking care of you for years! They watched you grow from a newborn to an adult. They walked through every joy and every heartache life had brought your way. For Christmas I took all of our family old VHS home movies and put them on DVD’s. In the process of converting them, I watch hours and hours of our life. Some moments were sweet memories, some were totally forgotten, some moments made you laugh (mainly the clothes we wore and my signature pony tail on the side), some moments made you cry, some made you remember the sound and sight of loved ones that have been gone for many years, and some made you totally feel the joy of family and friends. The thing that bugged me the most was how many things we did that I did not remember doing! I always believed a mother’s memory is long: I don’t know if I still believe that to be true. I had forgotten a lot! Some memory was stirred but some was totally gone. Also, my children have lived away from me know for eight years. I am not with them day to day. I only get to see what they want me to see in their lives. So, you add these two facts together, I am not sure I know them better than anyone else just because I am their mother and spent 18 years with them. Spouses are probably the ones who end up knowing more about you than anyone but they haven’t spent their entire life with you. People at work, only know you at work. Children have a limited knowledge of their parents. In the end, nobody totally and completely knows you … except God!
He created you, He knows you, He knows your heart and your thoughts, and He is everywhere you go. He has been with you everyday of your life, and through every circumstance. Yet, He still loves you! Today, rest in that love! Remember that love! Let that love warm you on this very cold day!
Like an open book, you watched row from conception to birth; al the stages of my life were spread out before you, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day!
Psalm 139:16
So thank God for His marvelous love, for his miracle mercy to the children He loves.
Psalm 107:21
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