Tuesday, March 22, 2011

God Is Sufficient

     Last week was a hard week for me emotionally. One thing that added to the emotional stress was my daughter. She is serving the Lord on the mission field in Peru. She experienced a break up of a special relationship and it broke her heart. My heart was broken for my daughter and the fact that she is on the other side of the world only made it harder. I yearned to be with her and just love on her but I could not be. I thought I knew dependence on the Lord but when I had to put my daughter and her broken heart totally and completely in the hands of God, it taught me a deeper level of dependence. I did not own the glue to put her heart back to together nor did my arms stretch long enough to hold her as she cried. I had to rest in the care and love that God has for her. I kept telling myself that as much as I love her, God loves her more! He was with her. He could hold her. He could heal her heart. He could restore her soul.

     The days were a roller coaster of emotions. Sometimes she was getting stronger and sometimes she was hitting bottom. However, watching her stand on her faith in our God and resting in His love made me very proud of her. Not only did she amaze me, she taught me about that God is completely sufficient. He didn’t need me to work in her life; He was totally capable of it all by Himself.
     The turning point for her was when she spent a morning in prayer and in His Word. She let God take her from one verse to another and He ministered to her soul. She wrote down sixteen scriptures to concentrate on and that let her mind focus on the truth of God instead of the lies and confusion of Satan.
     Whatever you are going through, God has a Word for you. Have you let Him show you what it is? Are you standing on it? Are you letting it be your focus?

Remember what you said to me, your servant – I hang on to these words for dear life! These words hold me up in bad times; yes, your promises rejuvenate me.
Psalm 119:49


Mrs. T. said...

Sorry to hear about Britnee, we never know what the Lord has in mind for us. Could be a blessing in disguise. I have some very lost family members and it breaks your heart when you can't help them. I finally came to the realization there's nothing I can do. I pray every day the Lord will show them the way again,before all is done and he takes us all home again. I will continue to pray for them.

Sherry said...

My heart breaks for B...it is not fair.....but then we all know with keen truth that life is rarely fair. I am praying for her and you. Love you all so much!!