Wednesday, April 20, 2011

     Easter is a time we focus on the sacrifice Jesus paid on the cross. It is amazing to think of the pain and suffering Jesus went through for me! I want to cringe at the idea of the nails going into his wrist and feet. The pain is unimaginable for me. That Jesus endured this horrendous act demonstrates His love for each of us. After all, He could have called Himself up and never experience the cross. It was love that led Him to the cross and it was love that kept Him on the cross! It was not the nails that kept Him there: it was nothing but His love for us. Man thought they had to nail Him to keep him hanging but He could have gotten off that cross at anytime. He chose to stay.

      Spend time today focusing on the crucifixion love that Jesus showed for you! It should knock you straight to your knees in humbleness, thankfulness, and gratefulness.

But first he must suffer many things and be disapproved and repudiated
and rejected by this age and generation.
 Luke 17:25

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