Then Israel believed his words [trusting in, relying on them]; they sang His praise. But thy hastily forgot His works; they did not [earnestly] wait for His plans [to develop] regarding them.
Psalm 106:12-13
Does it have to do with others trusting you? Does it have to do with you trusting others? What do you trust for? Trust is a much deeper word than we give it credit to be.
I have been pondering lately about God trusting us! Now if you really think about it, God probably doesn’t trust us when He knows we won’t keep our word because He knows everything; which would include when He can trust us and when He can’t. However, I still want to be trustworthy for God. So many times we flippantly make commitments to God and then forget about them or change our mind. Many times we can see conflict between a person’s word and their actions. We see parents standing before the Lord committing their babies. Yet, when He takes them a direction they aren’t happy with, they get angry with God. We see spouses committing to stay together through good times and bad times. However, as soon as bad happens and it calls for endurance and forgiveness, they bail. We see men and women serving the Lord. Then one day, they stop serving because God disappointed them by not pulling them out of a bad situation. We see Christians committing to be a follower of God but in reality we only want to follow when He is leading in a direction we want to go.
What does our word mean to God? As sad as it is, we are no better than the Israelites. They always promised to love and follow God but every time it got tough, they looked towards others things.
Today, live being a person of your word to God. Whatever you have promised him, do it!
1 comment:
Trust has a whole new meaning and feeling for me. Trusting yourself is hard to. I know that God knows when I will break the trust or not. I want to be trustworthy for the Lord!!
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