Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas, A Season for Praise

Today we are officially in the Christmas season. Thanksgiving is now over and we are now in a full blown preparation mode for Christmas. I do love Christmas but I love the Thanksgiving season too. I hate to see it come to an end. Thanksgiving is a time I reflect on God's lessons and provisions for our family over the last year. It has definetly been a year of changes for me. I have changed jobs twice, my daughter left for Guatemala and then Peru for her two year job as a Journeyman missionary in the Andres mountains, my son got married, Fusion renovated and moved into a new building, we lost a pet and got two new puppies, I was officially labeled pre-menapausal and started taking hormones, I gave up processed food, and I started writing these devotions. These events have brought an array of emotions. One commonality is the feeling of loss. However, God has been faithful. He has held my hand and strengthened me. I have so much to be thankful for and I praise Him for all He is in my life.

As I was studying the scriptures on thankfulness, I saw a well known verse in a new light. I have sung it many times. "I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise." This is the formula for intimacy with God. We enter into His presence by giving Him thanks for all He does for us and we enter into His courts or a closer relationship by praising Him for who is is.

The new revelation was seeing how it relates to the holidays. It dawned on me that we enter the holidays focusing on giving thanks to God for all He has done for us. We then proceed to Christmas where we praise God for His willingness to send His Son to be born among men and be our Savior. We entered into His gates as we celebrated Thanksgiving and offering Him our thankfulness and we will now proceed into an even closer fellowship with Him as we enter into His courts with praise. What have you praised God for recently? May we focus on offering our praise this Christmas season!

Enter His gates with thanksgiving, enter His courts with praise.

Psalms 100:4

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thankful for His Provision of Food

We are two days from Thanksgiving and I will bet that in some way you have had to think about food. We automatically think about two things during this holiday. One is giving thanks, the other is food! It seems that food is a part of every advertisement during November, whether TV or magazine. You probably have been planning on what you are going to cook, where and when you are going to eat it. Not only do you have Thanksgiving Day to prepare for, you probably have a potluck dinner at church, work, or with other groups of friends and family. I have had a potluck at church, I have a potluck today at work and I am cooking for 10 on Thursday. Well, actually I am cooking for around 30 but there is only 10 of us that is going to eat it! It is ridiculous that I can not serve a ‘one meat, one salad, one vegetable, one potato, rolls, one dessert, dinner. Most of us will experience an abundance of food on this day of giving thanks. I have to admit, I do not know how I feel about this. In scripture we see both feast and famine. Is there anything wrong with abundance when we know there are people who are wanting? Would skimping on the food help or make a difference? How did we get to the point where we show our thankfulness for God’s provision by pigging out on food until we are stuffed and miserable? What about all the food we end up throwing away because it gets wrapped up as leftovers, put in the fridge to mold, and then thrown away without any guilt because we are now throwing away rotted food. I wonder how many people we could feed with the food thrown away on Thanksgiving Day? I do not ever remember missing a meal because I did not have any food! I am very thankful for that and for the fact that God has provided me with food that provides nutrition and strength to my body. To be a good steward of God's provision to me, I am going to enjoy all the food but I am not going to eat so much that I am miserable. I am going to make sure that I do not throw out any food, I will eat it until it is gone or I will freeze it, or I will give it away. What do you need to do to show your thankfulness and being a good steward of God’s provision of food?

He who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. He also who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he give thanks to God…
Romans 14:6a

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thankful for His Servants

If I had to make a list of every person that has touched my life since the day I was born, it would be massive. I have so many friends and family that have poured love over me. I have had people teach me the lessons of life, some I was grateful to learn and some I wish I did not have to endure. I have had people to pray with me, encourage me, cry with me, struggle with me, forgive me, listen to me, let go of me, accept me, work alongside me, befriend me, help me, mentor me, and purely care for me. How blessed and how thankful I am for all of you. Each of you have a special page in my memory book. I would not be the person I am today without each of you. Today is the funeral of one of my Aunts, she was one of these special people in my life. She was my quirky Aunt, everyone has to have one. She loved gaudy! She gave life to everything. The older I got the more I appreciated her uniqueness. The contagious smile that she wore will forever be etched in my memory, and just thinking about her will make me smile in her memory. I am thankful to have been her niece. This is just one of the thousands of stories I could tell on each person in my life. I bet some of you are glad I am not spilling anything interesting on you!
As we officially begin this Thanksgiving week, let me proclaim my thankfulness for God’s children who serve Him obediently to minister to others. Spend some time today thinking of the massive list of people who have touched your life. How would your life be different without them? Let me encourage you to thank as many people as you possibly can today for what they have contributed to your life. You never know if you will have another chance.

I thank God in all my remembrances of you.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thankful for His Promises!

One thing that is hard for me to imagine living life without is hope. Yet so many do. This world has drained any ounce of hope from them. They find themselves with no hope for their marriages, no hope in the good in people, no hope for their finances, no hope for their dreams, no hope for peace in life, and no hope for their soul in death. When they do not live for Christ, they have removed themselves from the source of hope, there is nothing in them to produce hope.
1 Thess 1:3 tells us that hope is "an anchor of the soul," a staying amidst the storms of this life. Without the anchor you are tossed to and fro, with desperation not hope. How can anybody have hope aside from Christ and how can anybody with Christ live without hope. They go hand in hand.

Hope is defined by the world as a feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. A Biblical definition is a 'favorable and confident expectation'

God is the author, not the subject of hope. In Romans 15:13 God is spoken of as "the God of Hope".

We can have hope because we can stand on God's promises. God's promises teach us what we can expect, what we can hope in. Are you letting the cares of this world weigh you down or are you putting your hope alone in Jesus Christ and His promises? What promises are you holding on to? What is your favorite promise?

My favorite promise is from Hebrews 13:5-6

I will not in any way fail you , nor give you up, or leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless, nor forsake, not let you down. Relax my hold on you, assuredly not!!!

One of my favorite thing about this promise is the fact that God has a hold on me. So many times I see myself as grasping on to God for dear life, but I don't have to do that. I can rest in the fact that He has a hold on me and He will not relax it!

I am thankful for the God of hope, the God of promises, and the God that holds on tight to me!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful for His Attributes

Have you ever thought about who knows you the best? Think about all the different roles and titles you have. Who knows you in most of these roles? In Montana, I had a friend who was a southerner like me. I was friends with her ex-sister in law and we ended up working in the same three positions at the Department of Revenue. We were both mothers of young teenagers and members of the same church. We never ran out of things to talk about. Home, work, church, the south, we could cover it all! I have had many great friends but I have never had a friend that we shared so many aspects of life.
Each of us can come up with a list of titles, roles and attributes that would describe us. My list would be: daughter, wife, mother, mother in-law, sister, cousin, aunt, sister-in-law, granddaughter, niece, friend, co-worker, classmate of the Owasso class of 1979, NSU alumni, HR, Wellness, Disease Management, Health conscious, health coach, teacher, Christian, pastor’s wife, Fusion member, Okie, shopper, golfer, pre-menopausal, cruise lover, American, decorator, dog owner, home owner, driver, blogger, OU fan, reader, cook, homemaker, ex gardener (lol), etc. This list allows you to know me better. It teaches you about my relationships, interest, skills, passions, and choices.
One thing I am thankful for is that Jesus provided us a list of names, titles and metaphors for Himself which allows us to know Him personally and intimately. We do not follow a one dimensional Savior, we follow a multi-faceted Lord. Part of the list that Scripture gives us about Jesus is; Desired of All the Nations, Everlasting Father, Faithful and True Witness, First Born Among Many Brothers, First Born From the Dead, Firstborn Over All Creation, Forerunner, Foundation, Fountain, Friend, Gate, Gift of God, Glory of Israel, Good Shepherd, Head of the Church, Heir of All Things, High Priest, Holy One of God, Hope of Glory, Horn of Salvation, I Am, Immanuel, Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Judge, King of Kings, Lamb of God, Life, Light of the Gentiles, Light of the World, Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Living Stone, Lord and Savior, Lord of Glory, Lord of Lords, Lord of the Dead and Living, Lord of the Sabbath, Master, Mediator, Messiah, Mighty God, One and Only, Our Holiness, Our Passover, Our Redemption, Our Righteousness, Physician, Prince of Life, Prince of Peace, Rabbi, Redeemer, Righteous Branch, Righteous Servant, Rising Sun, Rock, Root and Offspring of David, Ruler of God’s Creation, Savior, Servant, Shepherd, Son, Son of Abraham, Son of God, Son of Man, Stone, Sure Foundation, Teacher, The Almighty, The Beginning, The Last Adam, The Morning Star, The Prophet, True God, True Light, True Vine, Truth, Way, Wisdom, Wonderful Counselor, Word of God, etc.
What an amazing Savior we have and how amazing it is that He wants an intimate relationship with us!
Now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name and those attributes which that name denotes.
1 Chronicles 29:13

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful for His Answered Prayer

Well, today the saga continued with the healing of my allergic reaction to the Virgina Creeper. I hope you aren't getting tired of the lessons God is teaching me through this experience, cause I have to admit, I am getting tired of living through the experience. Monday, I finally got an appointment with the dermatologist who put be back on a mega dose of steroids and changed my antihistamine because the Benadryl quit working. I made sure to call my internist to confirm that the hormones I am taking would not cause a reaction to the new medicines. My rash is still spreading and the nightly itching episode is the norm as well as 4 hours of sleep, if I am lucky. Today was the day I was suppose to call the dermatologist and let him know how I was doing. When I explained my current symptoms with the addition that my throat is tightening and feeling swollen, I received instructions to go straight to the Urgent Care. Anaphalaxis Shock was a concern. So off I went to sit in the Urgent (?) Care for 90 minutes. The problem was my blood pressure. The steroids had increased my blood pressure to 169 over 109. Now I am on temporary high blood pressure medicine to allow me to stay on my steroids. What a process.
Nine days ago, my face swelled up, and on that day I prayed and asked God to heal me. It is still my prayer today. So that creates questions that we all have to answer at one point or another. Does God not care? Why isn't He healing me? He heals others, why not me? Is it that big of a deal to God? Satan would love to trip us up with these questions.
See, I am okay with whatever God wants to do and I believe He answered my prayer whether I am healed today or not, because after I ask for God to heal me, I surrendered to whatever His plan is for me. I asked Him to empower me to go along whatever path He takes me on. I trust Him totally for whatever the outcome is because I know that He goes before me and He prepares my way. I will grow in dependency and faith as we walk together, whatever He chooses to do.
After every prayer we lay before the Lord, we have a choice to make. We will choose one, or the other. We will trust, or we will worry. Our choice marks our prayer as a 'trusting prayer' or a 'worrying prayer'. When we trust the Lord, we trust Him with our life, not just for the answer we think is best. When we worry, we go through the motions of giving it to Him, but we want to call the outcome. We are afraid that he won't give us what we want. We start to worry that maybe He won't love us enough to give it to us, or maybe we haven't been good enough. The focus is on whether He will give us what we want. Which kind of prayer do you think is pleasing to God? Which kind of prayer do you think gives us peace? I hate the way worrying prayers make me feel. I am done with worrying prayers. I have determined to trust the Lord for whatever direction He leads. It doesn't mean I can't tell him what I would like to happen, but the real prayer is always for His presence in the circumstance. He always answers that prayer! Though this is my 12th day with this allergy and its affects, He has helped me, taught me, strengthened me, and made His presence known to me. That is a true blessing and one that feels my heart with thankfulness.

Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when test and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way. If you don't know what you're doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help.
James 1: 2-5

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Thankful for His Makeover of Me

Tonight I got to watch my favorite TV Show. It is a show that has had an impact on my life and my personal health journey over the last two and a half years. (Stay tuned because I will share the spiritual lessons from that journey in January.) The show is The Biggest Loser! Not only is it my favorite show, tonight was my favorite week of each season. Tonight was makeover night. Six contestants which have lost over 500 pounds in ten weeks, had the opportunity to see themselves for who they have become. Part of their journey is to take a serious look at who they have become, let go of the person they were, and live like the person they want to be. If they continue to think and act like they did when they were unhealthy, they will never be the healthy person they want to be.
This same principal applies to our spiritual growth. If we do not stop thinking and acting like the old person we were before Christ, we will never grow into the strong, faithful Christian we long to be. We need to see ourselves as the new person we are in Christ, let go of the old self, and live like the follower of Christ we want to be. The principle that we need to act like the person we want to be needs to resonant in our behavior. I remember a statement I heard a long time ago, that I hated, "If you want to be skinny, eat like a skinny person." I am finally starting to understand that principle. You will become the person you practice! How do you see yourself? Do you act like the old self you were before Christ? Or are you acting like the child of God that you are? It is my goal to act like the person I am, not the person I was! What is your goal?

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)
Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it!
2 Corinthians 5:17 (Message)
Okay, I had to look up the word burgeons! In case you are like me and need the definition, it is: to produce new growth, to flourish

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thankful for His Love

If any word has lost its value in our society, it is the word ‘LOVE’. It has become a feel good emotion. It comes and goes as situations arise. So many couples stand together and commit to love each other until death separates them, and yet that commitment does not last through the difficult times. Parents abuse and neglect their children. Children abuse and neglect their parents. When love leaves, dysfunction comes and is rampant in people’s lives today. The world has substituted sex for love and more and more youth and adults are reaping deep scars from the hurt of that substitution.
As the world continues to warp love, real, genuine, and godly love glows like a beacon of light in the darkness. I feel blessed to have experienced love from so many friends, family, and a wonderful husband. I know what God’s love looks like. However, a few years ago I saw the most amazing picture of unconditional love and it will stay in my heart forever. About a year before we moved back to Oklahoma, Dwayne's college basketball coaches' wife became very ill and spent her last many months in a comatose state. He never quit caring for her. Every day, he would feed her and talk to her. He would tell her what a wonderful wife and mother she had been and how blessed he was to have her. I have seen families live through this last stage of life, which I have experienced in our family as well. There comes a point that you realize it would be better for the person to let go of this life and enter into the arms of Christ. Sometimes, you get to the point of praying for it. I understand these feelings and again I have experienced them myself. However, on our last visit with the coach before his wife passed away, he made the following statement to me with tears in his eyes, “I thank God for everyday I get to spend with her. She is a blessing to me.” Wow! He loved her unconditionally. Though she was not able to give anything to him in return, he still thanked God for her. He didn’t complain about the demands her care required of him, or the stress of expecting the end to come each day. He honored his wife until she took her last breath. What a picture of unconditional love.
None of us are able to truly love unconditionally without allowing God to love through us. He is the source of unconditional love and He loves each of us with that amazing love. When we grasp the depths of God’s love for us, it completely changes our relationship with Him. He does not love like we love, and not like our earthly fathers love. When we realize that God loves us no differently when we mess up, we will stop running from Him when we do. We will run to him for restoration and forgiveness. He is like the prodigal son’s father, who waits for his child to return, not to punish him but to celebrate their renewed fellowship. I am thankful for the gift of God’s special love for me and for letting me be a vessel of His love to others. What an honor! It is my desire to never dishonor that gift. Have you accepted the unconditional love of God? Have you quit trying to earn it, or keep it? His love is not based on you, it is based on who He is and He is Love! No matter what we do or what we experience, we can rest in the arms of God’s love!

We know it so well, we’ve embraced it heart and soul, this love that comes from God. God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love,
we live in God and God lives in us.
1 John 4:16

Monday, November 16, 2009

Thankful for His Churches

It seems like yesterday that I was attending college. In reality, I started college thirty years ago. Dang, it's going fast! I remember many of my classes, and some of them I don’t even remember being present for. It seems the ones that I remember are the ones where there was interaction in the class; group conversations, debates, and projects. Those classes with no personal input or the on-line courses were only an activity of memorization for the next test, and then the delete button was pushed and all was forgotten. There is something that stimulates learning and remembering when we interact with others. I think that is why God tells us to not forsake the gathering of fellow Christians. We learn more when we interact with others. We remember more when we hear testimonies. We experience more unity with corporate worship. Our spirit is stirred more with the deliverance of God’s Word. We have more sense of belonging when we're a part of a body of believers who love the Lord and loves each other.
So far, God has used eight churches to mold me into the woman I am today. Each has played a part of my spiritual growth and each has been a blessing. I grew up in a small hometown church. My parents did not attend but I went on my own with an aunt and uncle. This church loved me and never made me feel out of place because I did not attend with my parents. I accepted Christ in this church. Everyone stepped in and parented my spiritual growth until I graduated from high school. When Dwayne accepted Christ in college, we attended a local church in town. We were married by the pastor of that church and as newly married adults they helped us lay a foundation for our life with Christ. When we graduated we joined a church in Broken Arrow, OK where we moved. It was a large church, but it was here we developed lasting relationships with so many people. It is here that God spiritually grew me. It was here Dwayne was ordained as a deacon and a minister. This church supported us through seminary. They have invested in our lives and our ministry and they are always a part of what we do. We attended two churches in Seminary; these two churches gave Dwayne the opportunity to do some ministry work that prepared him for what God had in store for us. One pastor met with him weekly to mentor him. The next church was our first church in the ministry, it was in Montana. It is like your first child, you don’t love them more than you do your other children but there is a special bond from sharing first time experiences together. This church taught me faith, trust, true fellowship, on my face prayer, unity as a body, and how miraculously God works. Our next church brought us back to Oklahoma. This church taught me forgiveness, healing, spiritual growth, encouragement, and openness. Now we are at Fusion. It has been a new journey for us as we learn to reach out differently to a generation that is walking away from religion. I am learning to accept people where they are and for who they are. I am learning how to minister to those who question whether there is a God. I am learning to teach those who know very little about how to walk with the Lord. I am experiencing living in the freedom of Christ and to be a follower of Him only.
I can’t help but wonder how different I would be without each of these churches. I know that I have struggled in my life with self discipline and I doubt if I would have studied and grown on my own. You would never be able to convince me that I would have experienced God on my own, the same way I have as a part of a body of believers. I am not devaluing the fact that personal time of study and prayer is not vital to my Christian walk. However, my corporate learning and worship is of equal importance. I am very thankful for each of the churches God has allowed me to be a part of. What about you? How has God used the church to mold you? If you do not attend a church, let me encourage you to find one where God can teach you and grow you according to His will. We are not meant to walk our Christian journey alone.

Let's see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.

Hebrew 10:24-25

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thankful for His Word

Have you bought a piece of furniture lately. Everything comes in a box and it is ridiculous how many pieces there are. It is so complicated that a man will actually have to read the directions, or at least look at the pictures. I cannot imagine how difficult it would be to put it together without the instructions.
I feel the same way about life. Life can be so hard and it is overwhelming how many things we have to juggle to get through it. We have jobs, marriages, children, church, health, friends, family and God to balance. We have stresses from all the busy schedules finances, cleaning, shopping, eating, and on and on it goes. How do we do it? How do we balance it all and keep our sanity?
Thank God, we have an instruction manual. It is called the Bible, words from God to us! God loves us too much to just stick us here and let us figure it out on our own. The problem is many of us try and live without reading the instruction. We will only add a lot of stress to our lives when we do it on our own. When we follow the instruction manual, it all comes together perfectly. We should cherish the Word of God like they are love letters to us. I have a stack of letters that Dwayne’s father wrote to his mother when he was away in the Navy. They are precious and very sentimental to us. The Word of God should be even more precious because they are words written directly to us from the one who gave it all to for us. Thanks you God for your Words, may I let them direct my path!
Let my supplication come before you; deliver me according to Your word! My lips shall pour forth praise (with thanksgiving and renewed trust) when you teach me your statutes. My tongue shall sing (praise for the fulfillment of Your Word) for all Your commandments are righteous.
Psalms 119:170-172

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thankful for His Patience

The other day, I told you about my allergic reaction I had from a weed that grows in my garden. It is called Virginia Creeper. It is very frustrating to me that for the third time this weed has affected me. Each allergic reaction has been progressively worse. I am very aware of my allergy to this weed and I try to avoid it at all cost. This time it looked different because it was dead. I was concentrating on the project and just didn't notice it. Now I have paid the price for five days. My face has been almost unrecognizable. It is so weird to look in the mirror and not see me looking back. I have had blisters on my face and arms. Then I did something stupid again. I was trying to get out of the door as fast as possible to get to the doctor and I picked up the first bra and jeans I spotted laying in the corner of my bedroom. When I started breaking out on my bra line and my pantie line, I realized then I had put on the clothes I wore while I was in the garden! Now, I really am itching everywhere! The itching has brought me to a point where I thought I was loosing my mind. All I wanted to do is scratch and remove every inch of itching skin. Why do we think the pain is better than the itching? I've been taking steroids but they have been working very slowly. To top it off, this was an unusual week. I had tickets to three different performances, on three different nights. I had to choose to stay home and hide or learn a new level of humility and go to the shows. I chose to attended the performances. I was embarrassed for anyone to see me so I kept my head down and tried not to bring any attention to myself. I also had to return to work and today, I had to meet a new customer. I have a new level of commitment to never get close to this weed again. I do not want to experience this for a fourth time! I can't imagine it being any worse but the pattern says it would be.
Do you have some weeds in your life? The sins or habits that you know affect you negatively. It may be things you try and avoid but they catch you off guard and before you know it, they are bringing you pain and discomfort. They can drive you crazy! You look in the mirror and wonder who is looking back at you. It embarrasses you. You do whatever is necessary not to bring attention to yourself . You feel so stupid for getting back in the spot you have been before. The recovery takes time and effort. You ask yourself over and over, "Why didn't I pay more attention and not touch this 'weed'".
I am thankful that God is patient with us and He gives us second, third, fourth and more chances. However, I believe our consequences are worse each time until we become committed to avoiding the sin ,which brings us so much pain. The best way to avoid the pain is to ask God to remove whatever 'weeds' you find in your life. Let Him pull them out, roots and all!

"...Get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humble acccept the Word planted in you, which can save you!
James 1:21

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful for the Holy Spirit

Parenthood is an amazing journey! The excitement and joy of holding your brand new baby is overwhelming.You feel life couldn’t be better! Then reality sets in and you realize it is hard and exhausting. I think every parent has said the words, "I can’t do this”. But love keeps us persevering. They grow up into little independent children who can stir every emotion in us. We can experience everything from pride to anger! The family keeps growing together and at times it feels easy and at times it is the most difficult thing we can do. Our minds get filled with family 'Kodak moments' and it makes every difficulty worth it. Then the teenager years begin. A whole new set of challenges presents itself. You have to take a lot of deep breaths and wonder if they will ever love you again. Sometimes you wonder if you will ever love them again! Then before you know it they are grown and out on their own. As you look back, your mind sees all the memories as a movie, showing the highlights and joys of being a parent. The pain that comes from parenthood looses its intensity and becomes a funny story you tell around the dinner table. It is the journey from infancy to adulthood. The journey has a lot of hills and valleys, and wide turns and u-turns, but there is never a doubt in your mind that if you had the choice, you would do every moment of it again.
That is like the journey we take as God’s children. We start out our walk as a baby. We take falls and he picks us up. We grow by making mistakes and by hitting home runs. It is a process of learning to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus left this earth, He sent the Holy Spirit to be with us and to grow us. Our maturity is measured by how much we let the Holy Spirit control us. Scripture describes the things the Holy Spirit does for us.
· He gives us our ability
· He enables us to witnesses
· He leads and guides us
· He teaches us Truth
· He gives us life
· He gives us peace
· He manifest in us our gifts
· He fills us
· He comes to our aid
· He bears us up in our weakness
· He acts on Jesus' behalf
· He is our teacher
· He reminds us of God’s Word
· He is our comforter
· Our counselor
· Our helper
· Our intercessor
· Our advocate
· Our strengthener

It is amazing that everything I need and want to grow in the Lord is provided to me through the Holy Spirit. I do not have to do it alone, I just have to surrender moment by moment and let the Holy Spirit fulfill Himself in me. When I do not surrender, my journey gets hard and I end up having to do a lot of u-turns. Our Heavenly Father works through the Holy Spirit to mature us to spiritual adults. Though there will be trials and tests along the way, it all teaches us dependency on God. We are so blessed. We have the love of our Heavenly Father, the redemption of a merciful Savior, and the guidance from a comforting teacher! I can't imagine trying to mature on my own, what a mess I would make. That is why I am very thankful that I have the Holy Spirit to lead me. May I give Him the control and may He fill every inch of me.
If we live by the Holy Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. (If by the Holy Spirit we have our life in God, let us go forward walking in line, our conduct controlled by the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thankful for the Mender of Broken Hearts!

Saturday, I worked outside cleaning out an overgrown garden. It was full of dead weeds, grass, and plants. My mother and I worked hard digging into the ground to pull up all the roots. I was so happy to get this project done. Well, until Monday, when I started breaking out on my arms and face. There is this weed that grows in one flower bed that I'm allergic too. I have broken out a few times before but never like this. I usually avoid that weed at all cost. However, with everything dry and dead, I just didn’t see it. Then this morning my face and wrist are covered with blisters, swelling, and redness. My face was so swollen I didn't even look like myself. The pain and itching drove me CRAZY. I wanted relief and I wanted it NOW! I could not get to the two doctors that I use so I went to a friend who is a doctor and got some meds. I wanted them to work instantly, but not going to happen. I am trying to wait patiently but the pain has been unbearable at times, mainly from it wearing me down for 24 hours.
Have you ever been going along living life and then something that you tried to avoid just hit you hard? It brought pain and suffering, and brought you to a desperation for help? Your heart is breaking and you just need relief. You think you will never endure such a hurt. Everything about you feels different. Recently, a friend was feeling like this when divorce hit her. She tried everything to keep it from happening, but it did. She is now brokenhearted and she has to recover. She is seeking God and she believes Him for His promises! She told me, “I couldn’t deal with the pain anymore. I do pray God restores it all as I know He will. I was praying in my room, my face down on the floor with praise music on and told God “if you are close to the broken hearted then I know you are with me''". Good for her, that she ran to God and stood firm on His Word. I know she wants instant relief from the pain and suffering but God is showing Himself faithful to her and God is using that to draw her near Him so he can mend that broken heart.
I am so thankful that God does care if we are broken hearted. He never walks away and He is the only who one can mend our heart. When was the last time you were face down on the floor pouring your broken heart out for the Lord’s mending? I can assure you, if you could see my heart where Christ resides, you would see many scars. Those scars are from the times I have had my heart broken. With each scar, you would see the stitches of love sown by my Heavenly Father, mending it all back together. With every one of those stitches, I thank God for tender, compassionate love.

If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; If you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.
Psalms 34:18 (Message

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thankful for His Righteousness

I was raised an only child. I know the first thing you think is spoiled. I hate that image. However, I probably was spoiled but I was not rotten. I worked hard at being the perfect daughter. I learned to live life on a pedestal. Let me tell you it is hard and exhausting trying to keep from falling off that pedestal once you work your way up on it. It creates a fear of failure and a fear of making a simple mistake. It brings insecurity when you are not sure if people will still love you if you were to fall off. I hate life on that pedestal yet I so often fall back into old habits of trying to live on one. That is how it would feel if we could make our self righteous. We are not perfect. We all sin. So it is impossible for us to be righteous on our own. Thank God I don’t have to. It is not about my righteousness, which is as filthy rags, it is all about Jesus and His righteousness. When I gave my life to Him and let Him become my Savior and Lord, I received His righteousness. When God looks at me, he sees Jesus! Hallelujah!
Let me share with you an illustration I have used in many of my classes. If you haven’t done this you might actually want to do it for a visual, to keep in your Bible. Take a filthy, dirty piece of paper. You might have to dig a piece out of the trash. Write your name across the paper. This paper represents you before Christ. Scripture says our righteousness were like fifty rags to God. Now get a clean, pretty envelope. Put the dirty piece of paper inside the envelope, and write Jesus on the outside of the envelope. Now seal the envelope. If you have a wax seal or a gold sticker seal, use it to seal the envelop. The Bible says we are sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit. When God looks at us, He sees Jesus. Our dirty sins are hidden inside Christ. That is why you are righteous as as follower of Jesus!
It is all about Jesus! It is not about you being good enough. It doesn’t matter if you have failed. It only matters if you have been sealed in Christ by the Holy Spirit!

It's in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed (this Message of your salvation),, found yourselves home free--signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 1:13

Monday, November 9, 2009

Thankful for His forgiveness

How many people have you had to forgive in your life? Have you had to forgive the same person more than once? Are there people you just can't forgive because they hurt you so terribly? I admit, some of you have endured such cruel acts that I can't imagine having to forgive your offender. How do you forgive someone who abuses your child, or aids in their death? How do you forgive a person who abuses you? How do you forgive a man who abandons you and your children? A very close friend of ours had a friend that was killed by a drunk driver a few days ago. He was a husband and a father to a 12 year old son and a 14 year old daughter. Over the last year, he had experienced a great spiritual renewal and had started a ministry for men to encourage them in their walk with the Lord. His son was in the truck with him when the drunk driver hit them head on. The wife and daughter was following a little ways back in another car. This drunk driver, who also lost his life, destroyed this family. This 12 year old boy will have to live with the image of seeing his father die. The hurt has to be unbearable. How is this young widow of two children going to forgive this man? What testimony will she give those around her if she forgives? Have you noticed the attention the media gives people who forgive those that do horrindous things to them. I believe it is because they aren't use to seeing forgiveness. I remember hearing the parents of Rachel Scott, the first one shot at Columbine, on the Larry King show. They shared their testimony of forgiving the boy that killed their daughter. That testimony was amazing! Larry King had to ask Billy Graham to explain to him how these parents could do such a thing. Billy Graham went straight into the gospel and explained that we forgive because we have been forgiven. What a testimony! It is not just the life changing events that we must forgive, we are to forgive the daily things like rudeness, gossip, backstabbing, lying, disrespect, etc. People are watching! Our response to those who wrong us speaks loudly of who God is. Rachel Scott's family has touched millions through their testimony of God's forgiveness working in them. What if they hadn't forgiven? When we forgive, we touch others by showing the power of God!
Forgiveness does not let the person who hurt us off the hook, it only puts them in God's hands. He will judge them fairly and with justice. It is not our role, it is His! If we do not forgive and we allow bitterness to grow roots in our heart, it will eventually destroy us. Unforgiveness ends up hurting us more than the person who wronged us. When we do not forgive, we give the offender power over us. Forgiveness destroys that power. I recently heard a powerful statement, "Unforgiveness, this is like taking a poison yourself hoping that it will hurt the other person."
I am not saying that forgiveness is easy. It is diificult and we do not have the strength or capacity to forgive on our own. We can only forgive by the grace of God.
I am so thankful for God's forgiveness. I do not deserve it and I do not understand it. I am also thankful that he commands me to forgive; or I probably wouldn't. I am thankful He empowers me to forgive. Living without bitterness gives me peace and joy. It is a blessing not to carry the burden of unforgiveness. However, the most important question is, "How can I receive the abundance of forgiveness from God for the terrible sins I commit, and not pass that forgiveness on to those that hurt me? "

Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord. See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.
Hebrew 12:14-15

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thankful for His Strengthening Grace

In 1991, Dwayne and I packed up our home and our children and headed off for Fort Worth to begin Dwayne's seminary training. We felt led to get through seminary as fast as possible. He was able to graduate in two years and two months. Those years gave us wonderful, life-long friends. A maturity in our Christian walk and great training for the stresses of the ministry. However, they were the most challenging years we have endured. We both worked full time jobs, Dwayne had hours of studying to do each day and we had two young children. Dwayne and I did not have the same days off and I worked during the day and he worked at night. I was the fortunate one because I got 7 hours sleep each night and dwayne felt blessed if he got five. That kind of stress on his body was beginning to take its toll, before we left. I look back at those years with fond memories and a awe of how we made it through.
Yestereday we talked about grace as God's unmerited favor and today I want to talk about the other definition for grace, which is 'the influence or spirit of God operating in humans to regenerate or strengthen them'. I know that it was by His grace, His power that we survived those years. I am so thankful there is nothing the Lord calls us to do that he does not give us the grace to accomplish it and there is no valley we go through that he does not give us the grace to endure. Whatever you are going through right now, whether it be a difficulty or a trial, God will provide the grace you need to get through it. That is His promise!
I know that many of you are walking through some challenges and trial and you can rest assure that God is there to give you the strength you need and regenerate you to endure.
My grace is enough; it's all you need.

2 Corinthians 12 :9 (The Message)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thankful for the Gift of Grace

One thing we do not see often in our world is grace. Grace is something we love to receive but it is something that is much harder to give. We criticize and judge people's actions. We seek revenge on those that hurt us. We make people pay for their mistakes. As parents, Dwayne and I tried very hard to teach our children obedience and consequences. However, it was very important to us to demonstrate grace to them as well. We wanted them to experience our grace and teach them about God’s grace. The main definition of the word GRACE is ‘unmerited favor’. One of my favorite biblical stories of grace is of the woman caught in adultery. Jesus was teaching and some legalistic, proud men brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. I am sure with their arrogant attitude, they did not give her the respect of letting her pull herself together before they grabbed her and dragged her to her public humiliation. She might have been able to reach for a blanket or some cloth to cover herself, or she could have been naked; we really do not know. It frustrates me that we do not see the man being brought before Jesus, just the woman. This shows they choose what sin and whose sin they wanted to judge. In the culture of the time, it was understood that she would be stoned to death for her sin. Each person would pick up a stone and throw it, then they would do it over and over until her body couldn't’t take anymore and would breathe its last breath. The Pharisees tried to entrap Jesus to endorse the stoning or to go against the law. Jesus took another approach. He started writing in the sand. There are great debates as to what he wrote, but we will never know. In my mind, I believe he was writing out the sins he knew had been committed by those present. Then he said the words, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her”. Here is when we get to hear what grace sounds like. One by one they dropped their stones and walked away. Close your eyes and ear the sound of a stone hitting the dry dirt with a thud, then another, and another. That is the sound of grace! Followed by the words of grace, which Jesus spoke, “I do not condemn you”. Amazing!
What about you? When someone in your life has sinned, maybe against you or a loved one, and you find a rock in your hand, what are you going to do with it? Are you going to throw it, or are you going to give grace and drop it?
Because of the sins I have committed, I, like the woman in the story, deserved stoning; deserved death. Jesus took the 'stoning' for me and took on the death that due me. That makes me want to ask the question, “Why me?”. There is no other answer except grace! It was God granting favor to me though there was not one thing in me that merited it. What a gift! I will never understand why someone would refuse the gift of grace and salvation. Why they would turn and walk away from it. I accepted this gift in the fall of 1971 as a young child in the 4th grade. At the moment I accepted salvation, Jesus said the words of grace, “I do not condemn you." It awes me still today! Without the gift of grace, nothing else matters. There are no words to adequately describe my gratitude and thankfulness for the grace I am been given. We have heard the code that if a man saves the life of another, the person saved must live in debt to the rescuer and serve him for their entire life. In reality, I haven’t heard of anybody actually living out that code, except in the movies! However, I think it does apply to my relationship with Jesus. He saved me from eternal death and I choose to live the rest of days serving him out of thankfulness, not because I have to but because I want to!

The religion scholars and Pharisees led in a woman who had been caught in an act of adultery. They stood her in plain sight of everyone and said, "Teacher, this woman was caught red-handed in the act of adultery. Moses, in the Law, gives orders to stone such persons. what do you say?" They were trying to trap him into saying something incriminating so they could bring charges against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger in the dirt. They kept at him, badgering him. He straightened up and said, "the sinless one among you, go first: Throw the stone." Bending down again, he wrote some more in the dirt. hearing that, they walked away, one after another, beginning with the oldest. The woman was left alone. Jesus stood up and spoke to her, "Woman, where are they? Does no one condemn you?" "No one, Master." "Neither do I," said Jesus. "Go on your way. From now on don't sin."
John 8: 3-11 (The Message)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Time for Thanksgiving

Three weeks from today is Thanksgiving. What goes through your mind when you hear that statement?

  • What foods are you going to prepare, or your family is going to prepare?
  • What is the schedule?
  • Who is coming?
  • How will we see everyone in one day?
  • When will I shop?
  • When will I clean my house?
  • I need to prepare my shopping list for the day after Thanksgiving Christmas shopping!
  • I need to get my decorating done!
  • There goes my diet!!!
  • Days of Football!
  • Great movies releases!
Many times it is these things that grabs our attention with a firm grip and doesn't let go until the Holiday is over. We then look back and wonder what has happened to the real meaning of Thanksgiving? The real purpose of Thanksgiving is to put one day a side each year to join together with family and friends and offer our thanksgiving to God for all of His provisions. How much time do you spend on Thanksgiving day offering your thankfulness and praise to the Lord? Many times we hurry through the dinner prayer so the food doesn't get cold. Do you know that Thanksgiving wasn't always celebrated yearly until President Lincoln established it as an annual holiday. Before then, different presidents would occasionally pick a random day and declare it a day to offer thanks to God. Sometimes, it was a day of prayer and fasting! Fasting on Thanksgiving, how would that affect our celebrations?
Have you hosted a party to honor a loved one? Did you say a few words of obligatory praise and then sit the guest in the corner to observe the party? Isn't that what we do sometimes on Thanksgiving? Start now planning ways you can bring a time of thanksgiving to your holiday. How are you going to show gratitude and appreciation to the one that you acknowledge as the Giver of all things? In our home, we spend time going around the dinner table sharing the things we are thankful for. Each year there are special moments of blessing from this activity. However, I am going to look for ways to do more. I think the older I get the more I realize how much I have to be thankful for and how inadequate I am in my praise. At times, I have given God crumbs of thanks while I am feasting on a bounty of blessings! That isn't acceptable any more. I want to live every moment of every day praising Him with my life.

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. My life makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble and afflicted hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together.
Psalm 34:1-3 (Amplified)

*The devotions from now to Thanksgiving will be covering different things to praise and thank the Lord for.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just Laugh

Yesterday, I told you one of my weaknesses, today I will make another confession. If you know me well, you already know it. I am a blundering klutz; both physically and verbally. Sometimes it's not anything I do or say, it's just the situations that I get myself into. Some people think I should write a blog on my comical experiences but I would rather talk about the Lord! Dwayne has a habit of just shaking his head at me and saying, “only you Tonya, those things only happen to you”! Well, I had one of those special times this morning. I started a new medicine (after the hormonal meltdown, I told you about) and I was warned that the side effect of it was difficulty sleeping. I dismissed that warning because I can sleep anytime, anywhere. Well, that was a mistake. Sure enough, I haven’t been able to sleep soundly for several days now. It’s like my body sleeps but my mind doesn’t. When the mind follows the body to sleep, it dreams really weird things. When I roll over or I am stirred, my mind instantly becomes totally awake. I have to lay there with my dead body, clearing my mind so it will go back to sleep. To help my chances of undisturbed sleep, I slept on the couch last night. Around 5:00 AM, I decided to go to the bed for my last couple hours of sleep. I slipped into bed and instantly our two puppies came to me and snuggled in. Well, one snuggled, the other one just wanted to give me kisses. I finally got her settled and started to go back to sleep when I heard this weird sound. We have a sleep number bed and my side of the bed was slowly deflating and the controller wasn't working. Great! I thought about going back to the couch but I was too tired and my down comforter felt too good. I just decided to snuggle in myself and endure. Then the snuggle dog started snoring. I rearranged her, got her quiet, and started the process of clearing my mind of a thousand thoughts to hopefully get to sleep. Then the little hyper dog started biting her leg, vibrating my bed, which now is more like a recliner from the deflation. After a few pats on the rear, she figures out that I want her to be still. It is now getting close to 5:45 and now I have just lost another hour of sleep, but I have one more hour and everything is calm. I started my relaxing process once again and just about the time I start to doze off, Dwayne starts snoring. Not the loud kind, but just the quiet snore that is distracting my mind. So, I regressed to my normal reaction of taking my leg and reaching it over as far as I can stretch and give him a firm but loving little kick. It worked, like it usually does, and I was back to my goal of going to sleep. Once again, for what seemed the hundredth time, I was pulled away from my goal of going to sleep. Dwayne started snoring again! This time I was not the only one hearing it, the hyper dog started growling at the noise she was hearing. I grabbed her and got her quiet. The snoring continued. I tried to ignore it, really I did, but then before I knew it my mouth hollered the name of my wonderful husband (remember he edits this). DWAYNE!!! At that stupid mistake the hyper dog jumped up and ran over to him. I just laid there hoping that the hyper dog would bother Dwayne enough to keep him quiet and I could get at least 30 minutes of sleep. After a few minutes, I could feel my body going to lala land but I guess between my kicking and hollering at Dwayne and the hyper dog messing with him, he decided to get up. When he gets up, the morning ritual begins and again my sleep goes on hold. He wakes up the puppies, let them stretch while he rubs their bellies, gets them up to take them out to potty and then brings them back to get in bed with me. Soon, I had little cold feet and noses touching me. At this point I really wanted to yell and have a little fit, but I wanted that last 20 minutes of sleep more, so I just laughed. As I laid there thinking about the events that had taken place over the last two hours, it really was funny. I nestled into my new cocoon of a bed, with my adorable puppies and my comforter and enjoyed the last precious minutes of sleep. Of course, when I got up to get ready the puppies were now tired and stayed in bed. Some days it would be great to be a dog!
We will continuously have times we must choose to laugh, cry, or yell! I have learned the hard way that laughing is the best choice. If I would have started the day yelling at Dwayne, for something that wasn’t his fault, we would have ended up in an argument and my day would have been ruined. If I just stepped out of the situation for a moment, it really was funny, why not just laugh and accept it. Sometimes, I believe God has a sense of humor and watching me when I choose to laugh, makes Him smile! Next time you have one of those situations, instead of getting mad, laugh! It’s good medicine!

A cheerful heart is good medicine
Proverbs 15:30

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

We Want Company

One thing I am not very good at is editing my own work. I do better, not perfect, editing other's writing but editing my own takes too much focus. I know what I intended it to say and I read it that way. That is why I always have to have an editor. For my devotion , my editor is my husband, Dwayne. It has been a new humbling experience letting him edit my devotions each night before it is posted. This is my 45th devotion and I haven't been error free yet. I accuse him of just making up corrections to keep me from getting a perfect devotion!
On Sundays, I run the projections at church. I download his sermon notes into the software and follow his sermon with the notes. Last Sunday, as I was looking a few slides ahead, I spotted a misspelled word in one of his sentences. I was so excited he had made a mistake! It made me feel better about all of mine. It kind of put us on equal footing. He had wrote your bind is not the issue, your heart is. I was sure that bind was suppose to be mind, so I made the correction and was so proud of myself for catching it. Well, dang! Sure enough he said bind; he was correct afterall. I was so glad that I hadn't put the slide up yet when he said it, so I was able to correct it quickly back to bind, and get it up on the projector before anyone knew. However, my bubble was busted. I humbly surrender to his superiority in the editing arena. (he will hear this story for the first time when he edits the devotion)
We have heard the saying that misery loves company but I think we like company in our failures as well. It makes our mistakes not seem so big. Comparing ourselves to others can make us feel better about ourselves because there are always people worse than we are. Isn't the reason we gossip about people is because it elevates us? When we start concentrating on others we walk on dangerous ground. It keeps us from focusing on ourselves and if we aren't focusing on ourselves, how can we ever become better? I want to be all God has for me to be and to do that, I need to concentrate on what I need to do and keep my eyes off others. I need to keep striving for that error free devotion!

Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others.
Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.
Galatians 6:4-5 (The message)

Monday, November 2, 2009

God Sees It All

Saturday a good friend from high school and her husband came to our home for lunch. She was a great friend in school. We were pom pon girls together and we share a special bond from being together in a car wreck where we totalled my mother's brand new car. She is an amazing woman who has a solid, tried and tested faith in Jesus Christ. I am so blessed to have her as a friend. However, I was nervous about her coming to my house. I have people in my home quite often and learned a long time ago not to ruin my fellowship with my guest by being all stressed out trying to make everything perfect, but this time I regressed back to some old behavior. I wanted my house to be perfect when she came. I think it is because she is an interior designer and I knew she would pay attention to details. So, I needed to pay attention to details. All of a sudden, the items on my six month old 'to do list' had to be completed Saturday morning. I tidied up Brittne's room which I rarely go into. I painted a spot on the wall mural where the puppies had scratched it. I cleaned the porches that looked like they had already been through a long winter. I even cleaned off the dirt on the outdoor grill! It felt good taking care of those little things and getting the house looking good! I am just glad she didn't open a drawer or closet. See, I only really cared about what she was going to see, not the areas that were hidden. I also kept noticing all the things that were still on the hit list that didn't get done, like repainting all my woodwork. I just hoped she didn't notice all the flaws.
Many times we act out the same scene spiritually. We have this 'to do list' in our head that we want to accomplish but we put it off because of all the other things we allow to have precedence. Then the day comes that we get around people we want to impress and we try to clean all up. Well, at least on the outside. We really don't mess with the hidden things. Nobody is going to see those things. When we are with them, all we can think about is the things we haven't finished cleaning up. We wonder if they are noticing our flaws.
I am so glad we can't act this way with God. No matter how good we make our self look on the outside, he sees the hidden things. He opens every closet and every drawer. I am very thankful that He sees it all because if I could hide things from God, I would. I would be afraid to let Him see all of me, so I would hide, just like Adam and Eve did. I would concentrate on the outward appearance, hoping that would be enough to please Him. However, He is not concerned about the outward appearance, He cares about the hidden things of the heart. He changes the inside which changes the outside. He sees every inch of dust, clutter, and dirt that looms there. He sees all of me; the things that nobody else sees, the things that I don't even see. So, I don't have to hide things, it would just be a waste of time. Because he sees and knows everything, I get to experience an intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father and my Savior. How thankful I am for that!

O God, You know my folly and blundering; my sins and my guilt are not hidden from You.
Psalms 69:5 (Amplified Bible)
God you know every sin I've committed; My life's a wide-open book before you
Psalms 69:5 (The message)