Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Be Still!

     Empty nest! Those words can create different meanings depending on your stage of life and your viewpoint on family. Empty nest had been something Dwayne and I looked forward to since we were first married. We planned on having children early so we would still be young enough to enjoy our empty nest years. And now, we are living out those years. Our children are grown and on their own and all I can say are the words I once thought only old people said, "Where did the time go?" I know that if you are young, you can't imagine it because life seems so slow. If you are a young mother you think the stressful days of child rearing will never creep away! It is one of the ironic parts of life. Time seems to tick so slowly when you are looking forward and it seems to spin when you look backward! It is also true that the older you get, the faster days pass by! I am loving my empty nest days with my husband! We have total freedom to do what we want, when we want, wherever we want! However, I do wish I could go back in time. I wouldn't change anything but me. I would live life a little slower, so I could feel a little deeper, and love a little greater! So much of life was numbed by being too busy. Those of you who know me well, know that between the ministry, my work, and raising children, life was an endurance race at times. I remember one summer in Montana we had overnight guests in our home every night but four, from April to October. They were great days, but many days are blurry in my memory. I think back at some life changing days that I used busyness to help me get through without having to get blogged down with emotions. Busyness distracted me and allowed me to emotionally run away! However, one thing always happens with busyness, occasionally life comes to a screeching halt and when that happens, the emotions start to explode like Old Faithful. It is easier to deal with life emotionally when busyness is not making us numb. When the busyness is gone, so is the numbness!
     Busyness keeps us numb from other things too. It keeps us numb to the presence of God in our life. If we can avoid being in His presence, we can run from conviction. Without conviction we don't have to change, or grow, or follow His leading. We can be busy for God and avoid the heart thing! However, there will be times that God will cause our world to come to a screeching halt so He can slow us down enough to make us listen. It takes these quiet times with God to help us feel deeper and experience love greater!
Life is a gift from God. We need to mentally and spiritually embrace each day. We need to stop and listen to the life we share with others and we need to stop and listen to the words God is whispering to us!

     Do you let life get too busy? Are you living in a state of numbness? When was the last time you slowed down and embraced life? When was the last time you were still before God and let Him speak to you? I believe that Satan's greatest weapon against us is busyness! Stop letting busyness steal from you! Can you hear Him whispering your name?

Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.
Psalm 46: 10 (The Message)
Be still and know that I am God!
Psalm 46: 10 (NIV)


Steph said...

We do need to stop and smell the daisies, breath out bad, breath in God. :-)

kathleen said...

Tonya , as you know we are also empty nesters and even so I have been so " busy" in the drama of life that I haven't even had time to catch up with your blog :(
it is so good to be able to sit down quietly and spend time with you and God this afternoon!!! I am so glad you and the Lord are so easily found and available in spite of my business. The comfort and peace I feel from this bring encouragement to my tired body, mind and spirit. I am reminded that this is a NEED I have even more than it is a desire. In HIS love, Kathy

Sherry said...

Was that the summer we lived with you for 6 weeks:)

good times!!!