Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day Mourning

     One thing that always overwhelms me is how fast life can change in a day! I have known spouses who thought they were happily married one day; and the next day find out their spouse is leaving them for someone else. I have known parents, who enjoyed life with a child one day; and the next day endures the loss of the child by accidental death or suicide. I have known people who thought they were healthy one day; and the next day find out they have cancer. I have known couples who are enjoying one another one day; and the next day one unexpectedly had a heart attack and dies. And I will also never forget the story of the Biggest Loser contestant from last season. She had a beautiful family one day, and the next day; her husband, 3 month old baby, and 3 year old girl were killed in a car wreck a mile from home. One day can make a huge difference in one's life.
     Thousands of years ago, 12 disciples and followers of Jesus from Nazareth, had their Lord, Master, Teacher, Savior, and King with them one day; and the next day He lay dead in a tomb. Everything they had, everything they had put their hope and trust in was gone. They were devastated! What were they to do now?
We often are hard on these followers. Why were they so distraught? Why didn’t they know He would rise in a few days? Really stop and ponder how you would feel. What if you awoke today and found out that Jesus is not returning to get His people, nor is there a Heaven? Wouldn’t you be numb! Wouldn’t you start processing all you had learned; trying to figure out how you misinterpreted things? Maybe after some time, you would conclude that things don’t match up. That what you were seeing or hearing can’t be true, but it would take time to let the shock wear off and the processing to occur. We need to remember that these followers did not have the rest of the story like we do. We often overlook the Saturday of the holy week. It was a day of mourning for those who were there. We remember the crucifixion and we celebrate the resurrection, but the day in between, we seldom think of. We focus on Sunday, the day He is raised from the dead and is alive! But for the followers, they couldn’t see past their Saturday; past their mourning.
     We do the same thing many times when we are enduring a crisis. The crisis hits and we mourn. We don’t see the end result, we can’t see past our mourning. Though Scripture tells us that God will provide, that He heals, and that He causes bad to become good; our mourning keeps us to wrapped up in our hurt to see past it!
     Thank God for Sunday! The mourning is turned into dancing! Sorrow turned into joy! Their lives weren’t over, they had only now begun! What mourning are you not seeing past? Trust God for Sunday! When we celebrate the resurrection of Christ tomorrow, it is the joy of our salvation! Without the resurrection, we would have no opportunity to have eternal life with Jesus! Celebrate how God has resurrected your hurt and your mourning. Remember how He proved Himself faithful and His Word true after those days of doubt and wondering in your life. Because He is alive, He has made us alive! We have been delivered from spiritual death! Throughout your Easter Day, keep telling yourself, “I am now alive!” and celebrate that life!

You did it: you changed wild lament into swirling dance; You ripped of my black mourning band and decked me with wildflowers.  I'm about to burst with song; I can't keep quiet about you.  God, my God, I can't thank you enough.
Psalm 30: 11-12


Mrs. T said...

We will never be able to thank God for what he's done for us. We can just try to be the very best we can and show him in those ways. I'm thankful He's always been there for me. All he's promised has come true, he'll be with us through all the things we'll go through. I know those footprints are always behind me and I find that comforting.

Tonya Thompson said...

posted for Brittne:
really needed to hear the perspective that you gave about the disciples. My teammates and I have been studying the resurrection and have been confused as to why the disciples were mourning. Didnt they know the prophecies? Didnt they know he would rise again? Why did they doubt even after he rose? But what you said really helps me gain a better understanding of their situation. When we are mourning, its hard to see past that. Afterall, they were humans too just like us. Thanks for helping open my eyes!

Steph said...

Having watched the video at church makes this that much better. Sunday's Comin'!