Thursday, April 28, 2011

God Wants to Care for You!

     There are times in life that I don’t see or feel connected to my husband. This usually happens due to three reasons. One reason is we find ourselves coming and going with crazy schedules. Weeks can go by were we are gone every night after working every day. We see each other in the car or at the activity but we are too busy to spend time connecting. Then there are times when we just don’t want to deal with an issue so we avoid each other until we are ready to wade through it. Lastly, there are times we are separated due to travel and our schedules do not allow us to communicate other than a quick ‘hello’. After a time of disconnect, I find myself missing him. I want to be with him, cuddle with him, connect with him, and focus on him.

     We treat our relationship with Jesus the same way. We can get so busy doing we really do not connect with Him, even when we are busy doing ministry or church. Though we are at church (serving, learning, worshipping, and fellowshipping) we can avoid having an intimate communication with Jesus. Many times we don’t want to hear what we know He is trying to tell us so we ignore Him. Sometimes our quilt keeps us from being real with Jesus. Other times, we aren’t in church or around the body and we can start to feel separated from the body and from Him. We often think a quick ‘hello’ with Jesus is enough to make Him happy.
     Let me tell you it is not! He wants to consume our life. He wants us to have intimate conversations and to have an intimate relationship. People who are not Christians say their quick ‘hello’’ to Him but they do not have a relationship with Him.
     How is your time with Jesus? Isn’t it time to connect? Isn’t it time to cuddle up with Jesus and hear what He wants to tell you? He longs for you! Don’t keep Him waiting.

“Jerusalem! Jerusalem! Murder of prophets! Killer of the ones who brought you God’s news! How often I’ve ached to embrace your children, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you wouldn’t let me.
Matthew 23:37

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