Saturday, May 15, 2010

He's Got the Whole World In His Hand!

     I woke up this morning to the song, “He’s got the Whole World in His Hands!” I remember when I was little and we would include everything we could think of to complete the line, “He’s got the ________”. We would sing: He has ‘all of my friends, in His hands; He has me and my dog, in His hands; He has my mom and dad, in his hands; He has all my room, in His hands; He has the big yellow sun, in His hands;’ etc. What a great song to teach us at an early age about the Sovereignty of God. Everything is in His Hands and in His control! As an adult, I could add some additional phrases like: He has me and my job, in His hand; He has me and my marriage, in His hand; He has me and my finances, in His hand; and especially for today, He has me and my daughter, in His hand. The reason I woke up singing this song and the reason that I would sing about my daughter being in His hands, is that she is traveling down the Death Road on a bicycle today. Now, I don’t call it Death Road; that is its official name! It is the World’s Most Dangerous Road and it is located in La Paz, Bolivia. Brittne went to La Paz to see the boy that she sponsors though the Compassion Organization. She has supported him and written to him for over two years now. My little world traveler is in Bolivia by herself. Bolivia borders Peru on the opposite side of the Andes Mountains. To her, she is just going to another village. To mama, she is traveling in and out of a country by herself! Yesterday is when she saw her boy and today she had a whole day to see the sights. After researching the things to do in La Paz, Death Road was the biggest attraction in Bolivia and one of the greatest attractions in South America! So, what could be better than to earn bragging rights about riding a bike down the death trap? I could think of a few but as an adventuresome young adult, I guess you are attracted to it like a magnet! There have been 11 deaths of people on bikes on this trail, but with reassuring effort on her part, Brittne informed me that none have died with the tour company she is going with! That helped so much: nothing to worry about now! lol Don’t think I did not run the stats; there has been 32,000 bikers take the adventuresome journey and only 11 have died, so that is less than a one percent chance. In reality, I have no idea why I figured that because her life is not in the hands of statistics, or in her own ignorance; it is in the hands of her loving, caring, and sufficient Heavenly Father. I have always had to learn to put my children in God’s hands and release them out of mine. I remember letting go of them the first time they slid down the slide, and the first time they walked to school without me following them in the car, and the first time they left the house with the keys to the car to go cruise the streets; those seem like a piece of cake today! However, I have to remind myself (about once a minute) that she isn’t alone today! She is still in God’s hands. They are the same hands that held her down the slide, the same hands that protected her as she walked home from school, and the same hands that enveloped her car as she drove the streets. Today, God’s hands still encompass her and they are strong enough to keep her from falling off an 11,000 foot cliff. Brittne belongs to Him anyways, and her life is in His hands everyday of her life. I will trust Him each of those days no matter where His hands take her. He is my sovereign God!
     What do you need to put in His hands? Do you trust Him above any statistics or circumstances? Is there anything that has more control than He does? If not, then there is nothing else to trust!

He is the one who runs the earth! He cradles the whole world in his hand!
Job 34:13

1 comment:

Steph said...

I know there is nothing our God can't handle!!! He is like Travelers insurance...where ever you go...there he is!