Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Need Some Conviction?

     A few months ago I told you that my favorite night of each Biggest Loser’s season is makeover week; and tonight was make over night for this season. This season there is a guy named Michael, who started over 500 pounds. He has now lost almost 200 pounds. Tonight each contestant received $1000 to buy clothes. They were all so excited to be able to shop in a normal clothing store. They were all helping each other: all except Michael. Though Michael has lost more than anybody, he was still shopping all by himself at the big man store. He was so discouraged. He stated that it felt like it use too before he lost almost 200 pounds. When he joined the others, his discouragement faded but his reality still stares him in the face that he has over 100 pounds to get to his goal weight.
     Have you ever felt really good about your spiritual walk until God convicted you through a Bible Study or through a sermon? I remember when I was growing as a Christian for really the first time in my life. As soon as I started feeling pretty good about how I was growing and learning, God would convict me on something else. I have a vivid memory of crying to the Lord begging Him to go work on someone else for a while. I tried to convince Him that I needed a break. He disagreed and the conviction and growth continued. I was very frustrated that as hard as I had worked, I felt like I deserved a break! I wanted to experience the feeling of success, not conviction.
     Where are you on your journey? Do you feel like you should have 'arrived' as a Christian by now? Do you get frustrated that there is not an end to our spiritual growth until the day we see Jesus? The only thing worse than continual conviction is having no conviction! If you aren’t convicted, you are not open to the spirits teaching, directing, or growing! Tell God you are in this journey to be what He desires for His glory. Let God show you the things that aren’t right in your life and heart. We need to all fall on our face and say, “bring on the conviction, Lord!”

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
Psalms 51:10

1 comment:

Steph said...

Everyone gets discouraged. There are times I have felt exactly as you have said, " I need a break, are you picking on me?", but I know that my spiritual growth will never end because I am not perfect and never will be until I am with my Savior in Heaven. There may be moments where my walk might get stagnate and I will have to take a look and see what I need to change.