Saturday, May 8, 2010

Legacy of Mothers

    I have spoken about mothers who have been in my life for two days. As much as Mother’s Day has wonderful feelings for me, I realize that there are many women who will be mourning or dealing with broken hearts this and every Mother’s Day. I know a few who will be reading this devotion and let me say that I love you and my heart is aware of your hurt! Some women will be painfully aware that they do not have a child of their own, some will be experiencing their first Mother’s Day without their mother, some will be enduring the consequence of a wayward child, and some will be experiencing the heavy heart of a child who is now in Heaven. These are the difficult sides of motherhood but they are a part of motherhood. Though we as mothers, try to focus on the great memories and forget the bad, we all have those heart wrenching memories. I personally know what it is like to yearn for a child and wonder if you are being punished. I've seen how tough it is for those who have lost their mothers. I know what it is like to endure the consequences of your child’s stupid decisions. And though I have not had to live through the loss of a child, I have got a little taste of it when we sent Brittne off to Peru. In my heart, I had to be prepared to some degree for the worse!
    Like always, it doesn’t matter if others can understand your pain or if I can because God does! He has filled his Word with the heart of mother’s. Some of the mother’s that come to mind are:
Eve- She was the first to deal with all expects of motherhood including two children who did not get along and she had nobody to help her understand the struggles.
Ruth –She lost her son and loved a daughter-in-law but let her go to find love again.
Hannah – She endured the pain of not having a child, begged God for a child, and was blessed with a son that she gave back to God.
Job’s wife – (I think she gets a raw deal, I will write about her soon) She lost all ten of her children, her wealth, and almost her husband. This woman knew pain.
Rachael and Leah – Two sisters with the same husband. They experienced jealousy to the max, yet one used her children as leverage and one was over protective.
Mary- She endured the shame of being pregnant without being married even though she knew why!
Later, not only did she watch her Son be killed, she watched Him be beaten beyond recognition and then crucified on a cross.
Elizabeth – She prayed for years for a child and when it appeared absolutely hopeless she became pregnant and gave birth to the greatest born among men.
Eunice –She was a woman of a honest and rich faith, who received it from her mother Lois and passed it on to her son Timothy.
     I am sure there are many more, I just used the ones in my memory. Each can be an example for us to follow and if there was a Hall of Fame for mothers I am sure they would be the first inductees. God seems to have a special place in his heart for mothers. Whatever joys and struggles we experience as mothers or mothers by heart, it is an honorable position to be held in highest regards. Have a happy and blessed Mother’s Day.

She keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them all busy and protective. Her children respect and bless her; her husband joins in with words of praise: “Many women have done wonderful things, but you’ve outclassed them all!”
Proverbs 31:27:29

1 comment:

Steph said...

The women of the Bible are great examples of those before us who have had struggles and joys. I love reading about them.