Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stay Away From Mud Puddles!

(Okay, Mrs. T; hold on, you think you laughed yesterday; I am going to take you on a ride for a few days!)
      I knew for months that the time would come when I would explain to you all why I said I was a verbal and physical klutz! I was once challenged to write devotions over my blunders and I now feel up to the challenge! lol I have several great falling stories so I decided to begin with the first fall I can remember. It was in sixth grade. I was hanging out with my friends before school and a boy that we tormented came up to talk to me. I was a typical kid and was nice to this boy when nobody was looking but I had to keep up my image in front of my friends and not respond well to him. It still shames me that I did not show continual kindness to this boy. He came up to me and told me that he had prayed for me to win the spelling bee that day. I continued to tell him that I wasn’t in the spelling bee. When he didn’t stop, I threaten to hit him if he did not shut up. I was so tough! Like anybody would be scared of my punch! Well, he did not stop and I took out after him. I was wearing my favorite outfit. Purple corduroy pants and a lavender sweater. In my pursuit to be a big shot, I tripped. The big, deep, mud puddle cushioned my fall. When I stood up, I looked like I had been in a wrestling match from my front side. I still remember to this day having a mouth full of mud and having mud drip off my eyelashes. Worst of all, I had put a huge hole in the knee of my pants. Today, they would be in style but in those days it would have been a fashion faux pau. My teacher did not feel any compassion for me and made me sit in class with mud on my face: literally. He would not let me go anywhere until my mother brought me new clothes. This was the beginning of 38 years of falls. The good thing is I have never eaten mud again: it wasn’t too tasty!
     God has a law of order. That law says there are consequences to sin. Do not judge this story with adult eyes. Do not try and say that it was a little sin. In the life of a sixth grader, it was sin. That sin had a life effect on the boy we were mean to. Having humiliated him, return humiliation was the consequences I deserved. It was consequences I learned from and knew that God lovingly let it happen. If I had not learned from them, they would have grown in severity, until my Abba Father got his little girl to behave.
     What is God trying to teach you? What sin does He want you to stop doing? Are you experiencing any consequences for your sin? If we do not acknowledge and learn from our consequences, they will continue to come into our life until we do. If you keep inching your way to the mud puddle, you will end up in the middle of it!

Those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it!
Job 4:6

FYI - This is #200 devotion.  Thanks for your encouraging words that keep me up late each night writing!  You are worth it!


Sara said...

oh, you and your falling stories. Love them! This goes along with Dwayne's sermon. We reap what we sow. Wonderful.

This has been evident in Trent and I's life. God says to be faithful with our money and when we tithe we can see a difference. When we are smart with it we see a difference. When we are obedient we see a difference.

Thinking back I can see it. Why can I not use that for the future? I guess I learn the hard way...over and over again. Good thing God will keep letting you put life's problems in his hands over and over again.

Steph said...

Sometimes the consequenses or our sin does not happen right away but it will catch up to us sooner or later....I am so thankful for a loving and merciful Lord. Who loves me even though I sin.
Hind sight is always 20/20!