Saturday, June 26, 2010

It Takes A Good Soaking

    Today was the day to wrestle those last weeds. It was quite a wrestling match! I think the weeds were the winner. Pulling those weeds was like lifting weights. Sometimes it is nothing but overwhelming when the weeds have consumed the garden. I have discovered a secret though. The only way I would ever be able to pull up all the weeds; I saturate the ground with water. I mean like standing in water like a cranberry blog. This seems to loosen the roots and lets me get my hand deep into the dirt (mud) and pull up the roots. Now, of course it is a messy process and I am covered in mud, but it seems to be the only way to get the roots. Otherwise, I would only be pulling the top off and pulling the roots (which we already talked about) would only allow the weeds to come back within a short period

     I have seen Christians strive to remove the sin in their life. Their problem is that they are doing all the work; they are trying to clean up themselves for Jesus. It is a good thing to want to honor the Lord with our lives and our behaviors. However, we cannot do it alone. We have to surrender our life and our will to the control of the Holy Spirit daily, and let Him clean us up. He can help us get rid of the sin and He can pull up the roots! We must saturate ourselves with the Holy Spirit so that He can get down deep and help us rid sin out of our life from the roots. It will be messy, but we must remember it is worth it to have a beautiful garden with no weeds!

So keep at your work, this faith and love rooted in Christ, exactly as I set it out for you. It’s as sound as the day you first heard it from me. Guard this precious thing placed in your custody by the Holy Spirit who works in us.
2 Timothy 1:13-14

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