Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's summer!

     I do not know if it is official, but summer is here! With summer comes shorts and skirts and . . . white legs! Why it is that fat always looks better with a tan? Summer seems to be a season that makes us want to change. I have been feeling the need for change. I just want to break the boredom and the ruts we can often find our self in. I am taking my exercise program outside again after the long winter affair with the treadmill. I am looking forward to more home grown, local fruits and vegetables to add to my diet. I have been tanning to give my fat a facade. To top it off, I changed over half my black hairs to blonde! These changes are uplifting to my spirit. They help the ho-hums fade away! I say, “In with summer, in with change!”
     Often we need a little summer in our spiritual life. We can easily get the ho-hums in our walk with the Lord. We can easily determine that we are getting a little fat on the world and we are in need of some change. Maybe we need to spend more time alone with God, or spend more time in His Word, or attend a new Bible study, or attend a retreat.
     What does summer mean to your spirit? Have you settled into the ho-hums? Are you ready for some change? What do you need to do? If you can’t figure out what you need to change, think back to the last time your spirit felt on fire for God? What were you doing then that you aren’t doing now? I think it is the season for a ho-hum make over!

Now it’s time to change your ways! Turn to face God so He can wipe away your sins, pour out showers of blessing to refresh you. . .
Acts 3:19

1 comment:

Steph said...

I love summer! It is always a time to feel rejuvenated from the winter. No hum-hos here.