Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Are Things In Order?

    It was a good three day weekend. I got some desired rest, some exercise, some time with friends and family, and some order by finishing a few projects. Though it is always tempting to fill a holiday weekend with consistent activity; I am always thankful and happy when I get to face returning back to work with a feeling of rest and accomplishment. We got to the grocery store and got food in the fridge for the first time in weeks. I got my weeding completely done with the beds filled with mulch. I am going on a mission trip in less than two weeks and I am completely packed. I got my extra bed painted which I have wanted to do for years. I got some drawers cleaned out which were a mess. I actually ran further than I have in over a year. I spent time with Dwayne and got the checkbook balanced. I feel good about the sense of order in my life; it is a feeling I do not always get to experience!

     Many times we need to stop packing continual activity in our lives, slow down, and get things in order with God. Maybe we need to snuggle up with a Christian book or spend time in getting lost in the Bible. Maybe we need to be still and let God speak to us and give us direction in our life. Maybe we need to do the last things God told us to do!
     When was the last time you slowed down and got your spiritual life in order? What is on your spiritual to do list? When are you going to schedule God into your calendar?

Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.
Psalm 46:10

1 comment:

Steph said...

Our lives are so busy and it only seems to be getting worse. I do love those days when I just slow down and relax and soak up being with our Savior. I hope to have one of those days this weekend!