Saturday, July 3, 2010

Don't Forget the Foundation

     I love the fourth of July! I love the fireworks! We usually do not have big plans. I don’t always like the heat and the crowds! Dang, I am getting old. This year I am seeing things in regards to the holiday, from a little different perspective. I see a country that is on a path of refusing to acknowledge God. I wonder how long God’s patience will last with America. Especially when his children are sleeping and not paying attention or taking a stand on the direction the country is going. However, this weekend the country from coast to coast will be coming together and celebrating the birthday of America. I cannot fathom the money that will be spent on fireworks this weekend. I know of one man that personally spent $12,000 for fireworks. (I cannot imagine setting fire to 12,000 dollars!). The thing that I am seeing is that we will celebrate our country at any cost, but we do no celebrate and worship the One who made and gave us our country at any cost. I once gave a gift to someone who continues to reap blessing from it but who does not have a friendship with me today! It is a slap in the face when they use the gift to bring rewards to them and portray to others that we have a friendship, when in reality we do not. As frustrating as that is to me, I cannot imagine how it feels to God. We reap so many blessings from the honor of living in a nation that was founded and labeled as a Christian nation. Yet we have a leader that claims we are no longer a Christian nation. How long will we receive blessings; I do not know! I do know that this Fourth of July, I have seen Romans 1:25, come to light in a new way:

They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised.

     Pray for our nation that we will worship our Creator and acknowledge Him as the foundation of our country. Also, pray for you; that if there is any creation you are putting above Him as the Creator, that He will reveal it to you.


New Creation said...

This July 4th being on a Sunday made me think of the word "independence" in a different light, related to what you're talking about Tonya. Instinctively, we often want freedom from any control, even God's, when what we really need is DEpendence on Him. My grandson invited Jesus into his heart at church on July 4th. I cannot think of greater independence than that from sin and its tyranny through Christ. The paradox is that the more dependent we are on God, the more independent we are from bondage to the world.

Steph said...

I thought about our nation not thanking God for our blessings. I heard our President say God bless us and God bless our service men and women....I was wondering if he really meant that or not....I thank God for even the smallest of things because even those things He is there.