Monday, July 26, 2010

Well Done

     I am home and trying to settle back in. It has been a full day and I wish I had another day to chill, but tomorrow I am back to work! I didn’t really chill out today because I am preparing for Brittne to come home in nine days! I cannot believe it. Two years has passed and now she is returning. Though I feel I have done well with the separation, it has been a sacrifice for my motherhood. I have not spent a birthday, or a Thanksgiving, or fun shopping day with my daughter in two years. I have missed her! However, I must say that I was moved and awed by my daughter during my mission trip to Peru. She has grown into a mature, spiritual woman. I watched her minister to people, wisely teach God's Word, and graciously share the gospel. She did her God assignment wonderfully and she didn’t need her mama’s help! Our mission trip with her was the last village trip Brittne will make. I watched a new believer cry because she knows she will not see Brittne again and yet she is grateful for the love and teaching Brittne has given her over her time in her village. I saw a couple who run a restaurant struggle to say goodbye to my daughter because they have grown to love her. They promise they are coming to the USA one day for her wedding. (No there are no wedding plans in the works at the time being!) As I was crying watching the people tell her goodbye, I realized that whatever sacrifice I have made as a mother to be away from my daughter was worth it! The impact she has made on people for the Lord in Peru is a blessing to them and to me. I know that the Lord is pleased with her service over the last two years and pleased with the heart in which she did it!

      Life is not always easy! Sometimes it feels like the sacrifice we are making isn’t worth it and regrettably sometimes we feel that way about our spiritual walk! At times it feels like we are sacrificing and getting nowhere. We never arrive at a point of perfection because our sin continues to trip us up. Even if we do get some control of our sin nature, when we look into the face of Jesus, we always come up short. However, if we continue to sacrifice ourselves to the control of Jesus and do so with a heart of gratitude and love, we will please the Lord!
     Think about the feeling you will feel when you stand before the Lord and He says the words, “well done my good and faithful servant”! Is there any sacrifice too big if the sacrifice brings praise from our Lord?’

His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 25:23

1 comment:

Sherry said...

I feel like I am in the thick of it with motherhood....a tween that is an emotional roller coaster ride, a girl with ADD, and two active boys....
I remember Brittne being a challenge at times in your life.....
It gives me hope to hear that maybe I will make it through these years...