Monday, August 30, 2010

God Can

     My father was an alcoholic. I hate that label and it makes me want to explain that he was a professional, successful business owner and a good father. With that said, I will finish the story. He was once in an alcoholic rehab center and the counselor used an illustration that has stuck with me and I have used with many of you. If you are one that has heard this before today, then let it serve as a reminder.  The counselor was teaching how we cannot really control life, though at times we think we can. The more we try to control life, the more we get slapped with the fact that we can't, and the more stressed out we become. The more stressful we become, the more worry takes hold of us. However, God can do what we can’t. God can do anything and everything and He has everything under control.
     To illustrate this she had all the patients make a God can. You can decorate it as much as you would like or as little as you would like. Stick it somewhere you will see it regularly. Write across it . . . GOD'S CAN! Write you worry’s on paper and put it in the can.  The rules to the God can are that you have to put your worries in the can and remember ‘God can because we can’t’! If you want to worry about the things you put in the can, you have to go get it out of the can and hold on to it.
     I have seen some amazing hurts and worries go into a God Can and it does work! When we literally have to remove a worry from the can, we are taking it from God’s care.  The can gives us a great picture of what we do spiritually all the time. We give our worries to God and then take them back! If you are worried about things then make your self a can.
Where are your worries going? God’s can or your hands?

Casting the whole of all your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, one and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.
1Peter 5:7

1 comment:

Steph said...

As a worrier 1 Peter 5:7 is my favorite verse. I think God's Can is a great idea! I might have to make one!