Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Need to Rest?

     Do you need to Rest in the Lord?
     Okay, I am going to let you off the hook today! I know I have written some long devotions this last week, so today’s is going to be short. Don’t be shocked! I am in such a weird place today. I can’t seem to focus on anything. I have a list of things to do but I can’t get focused enough to get them done. My mind keeps skipping around to Brittne being home in 36 hours, Bryce and Kristen coming this weekend, work, the preparations I need to do for an upcoming church event, the unfinished projects in the house, the bladder infection that hit hard today, the flower beds that needs to be ridden of weeds (again!), and flowers screaming to be watered due to the heat! The problem is, I need to write a devotion and I can’t settle my mind enough to focus on hearing God’s voice in the midst of all the other words bouncing around in my head. Usually His voice is very clear in directing my typing fingers but today, all that I hear Him saying is to talk about the times when we are unfocused. So, I am being completely open with you and letting you know that I am unfocused. Nothing like taking your problem and making it your solution! lol
     What do we do when we can’t hear God through the noise of life or the noise in our heads? We rest in Him. We climb up in His lap, snuggle in, and let His comfort and peace calm our thinking. When our thinking calms, we can begin to hear His voice again and will be mentally, spiritually, and physically refreshed.
    The longer we take to not rest in Him, the longer we will go not hearing His voice. I am learning to rest quickly when I need it because I don’t like going one day without hearing Him!

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Matthew 11:28

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