Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gift Boxes

I know each of us would admit that God is good and He has given us some amazing gifts. Let’s imagine those gifts all wrapped up in beautiful boxes; what would yours look like? My gifts would be wrapped in glittery white and silver paper, with big silver bows, and maybe some white ostrich feathers! (I love ostrich feathers). Now what are you going to do with your beautiful boxes? Are you going to put them in a place of honor? Or are you going to put them in full view to be a daily reminder that your gifts should be used for God’s glory? Or are you going to just throw them in the floor and walk all over them, letting them become torn up and dirty? Once they become dirty, are you going to hide them because you can’t stand to see their neglect? Once you do that, how long will it take you to forget all about your boxes full of the gifts God has given you?
Now consider what gifts could be in your boxes. One box could hold the gift of marriage. Another one could hold the gift of life and health. One box could hold your talents and spiritual gifts. The gift of relationships could be in another box and one box could hold the gift of time. How are you treating these boxes? So many times we throw our boxes around as if they have no worth. We act like our boxes will always stay in tack ready for our use whenever we want them, regardless of how we treat them. Sometime we waste the gifts instead of using them for the One that gave them to us! I have to admit, I haven’t always cared for by boxes like I should have. In yesterdays comments a quote was shared that seems to fit well with today’s lesson. It states, “We often take for granted what we should be giving thanks for.” What shape are your boxes in? If you are truly thankful for the gifts that God has given you, you will take care for them.

We all live off his generous bounty, gift after gift after gift.
John 1:16

1 comment:

Steph said...

I think my gifts would be wrapped with shiny purple paper with sparkly green ribbon!! It really makes you think about your gifts when you think about them being a wrapped present. But I know that I tend to let my boxes get dusty and pushed to the side sometimes. Sometimes we don't think of God's Gifts as gifts until they are gone.