Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Encouragement: Who Needs It?

     At the end of the day, I have a tendency to evaluate the worth of my day. What did I produce? What difference did I make? Now don’t get me wrong, I think days of rest, fun, or pampering are worthwhile days; they can definitely make a difference in me! However, the days that consistently have more worth to me are the days that I was able to encourage someone. Nothing produces a high in me than thinking God used me to give someone an emotional hug! As much as I love that feeling, you would think that I would constantly look for opportunities. Regrettably, I get caught up in my business, my stress, my burnout, my struggles, my projects, my family, MY LIFE and become blind to those opportunities around me. Why do I let myself not do the things that most bless me?
     I know you are busy because we all are! But are you too busy to notice the people around you at this moment that need some encouragement. What about the co-worker sitting next to you that has personal issues that feel like they are being strangled? What about the spouse who is needs some reassurance? What about the child who feels unloved? What about the person behind the counter that feels invalid? You do not have to look far to find people who are struggling with their jobs, their marriages, their relationships, their finances, their children, their health, etc. Your encounter with these people can be crucial to their day or even their life.
      There was a popular book that opened with a line that seems to embed itself into the mind. It is a statement that we should make to our self daily; sometimes hourly. Let the words roll through your mind all day today and see if your focus changes. See what blessings come. The words are: IT IS NOT ABOUT ME!

And we earnestly beseech you, brethren . . . encourage the timid and fainthearted, help and give your support to the weak souls, [and] be very patient with everybody [always keeping your temper].
1 Thessalonians 5:14

1 comment:

Steph said...

Sometimes we get so caught up with what is going on with ourselves we don't see others who need us. I have really been trying to continue to be an encourager, shoulder to lean and a positive influence no matter what is going on in my life.