Friday, September 3, 2010

Rest From Your Labor

     For many of you, your Labor Day weekend starts today! Wish mine did; I will have to wait until 5:00 for mine to start. What does Labor Day mean to you? The end of summer? The beginning of football season? The time to rest from our labor? Or my choice; all of the above!
     I am ecstatically happy to think that the extremely hot weather we have had is now behind us. I am excited to watch the first OU game. Now that Brittne is dating a Texan, it is more important than ever for OU to do well! I would hate to start off the relationship with having to eat crow served up by him and his family! lol  And more than ever, I am happy to have a three day weekend. Work has been crazy for the last few weeks and I  welcome the break.
     We need to remember to take a spiritual rest this weekend too! Take some time just to rest from the work, craziness, and stress of your life and find some rest with Jesus. Maybe read a Christian book, or read the Word, spend time praying, and better yet, just be still in His presence and let Him talk to you!
     Have a great Labor Day Weekend!

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. {I will ease and relieve and refresh your soul}.
Matthew 11:28

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