Wednesday, September 22, 2010

God's Perspective

     Ever wonder why God does what He does? Ever wonder if He cares? Ever wonder if He understands what you are going through today?
     Regrettably, I have. Something feels wrong to question the God I serve, the God that created me, the God that I serve. However, He is still my Father and I sometimes have a tendency to judge my Father’s love for me by His actions.
     What we have to learn is to trust His reasoning behind the action. There were times I felt Dwayne was too hard on our son. I would whine to him and plead with him to change his treatment. He would explain to me that he had to prepare Bryce to be a responsible man and leader of his family. Today, when I look at my son, I can see that his molding of Bryce worked. We have to understand that God is love. Everything He does, He does with love. Whatever He is doing in your life, He does with a broader perspective of what He is molding you to be.
    When I was in New York City we contemplated going up to the top of the Empire State Building. After much debate we decided to go to Rockefeller Center’s Top of the Rock instead. We struggled to pay the $22 just to look at New York City. We had walked it for days and had seen so much already. We had walked in the busy, congested streets and seen the view of the buildings from the ferry. When we got to the top at sunset, we were awed. It was amazing looking down at the chaotic city that now seemed so tranquil. As the lights began to glow, the beauty increased. It was a sight worth every dime!
     It was a great picture to me about how our perspective changes with a different view. As we looked out over New York City, it was one whole picture, not just a block at a time. When God sees us, He sees our complete life, not just today!

She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: “You are the God who sees me” for she said,  "I have now seen the One who sees me."
Genesis 16:13

1 comment:

Steph said...

I will say that I have wondered about why some things have happened but I remind myself that God knows what he is doing and he doesn't need my help. My mom said almost the exact thing to me today that you said in the last line of the devotion. God already knows the future, he is already there and I do not need to worry about it.