Monday, September 13, 2010

Nothing Hidden

     Brittne is home now and she is a huge Dallas Cowboy fan, so tonight we watched the game! I caught myself criticizing players like I am a member of the football hall of fame. We said things like: “What kind of player is he?”, “Professional players should be better than that”, “I would sit him on the bench!”. To top off the game, Tony Romo throws a touchdown with 3 seconds left in the game for the win only to have it denied due to a penalty from the most penalized player in the NFL. I would hate to be that player walking into the locker room.
     It made me very grateful that my life is not on a big screen TV for others to evaluate. I am afraid I would receive much criticism. I am sure some would ask what kind of Christian am I? Some would say that that kind of behavior shouldn’t come from a preacher’s wife. Some might even think I should be benched. I can’t imagine anything worse than having my daily life on display for millions of people.  Especially to make such a wrong move that non-believers would look at me and say, “if that is what being a Christian is about, then I don’t want to be one!”
     One day, I am going to stand in the presence of my Creator and my Savior. He has viewed each play of my life and every move I have made. Nothing has been hid from Him. He has seen it all; including the sins of my heart. Yet, He still loves me! He still offers me grace today! And best of all, I can receive forgiveness by simply repenting and asking for it at any time. When God forgives, there are no reruns, the tape gets completely erased!

Oh God, You know my folly and blundering; my sins and guilt are not hidden from You.  Let not those who wait and hope and look to You, O Lord of hosts, be put to shame through me; let not those who seek and inquire for and require You [as their vital necessity] be brought to confusion and dishonor through me, God of Israel.
Psalm 69:5-6

1 comment:

Steph said...

This is always good to remember. I need to remind myself that once you ask for forgivness there is no reason to keep asking for it. Doing so seems like you don't have faith and know that he has forgiven you.