Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's Not Always Like It Seems

     Today I put on a pair of jeans that are one of my favorites. They are my ‘comfort’ jeans. When I got out of the shower, I went to put on my jeans and they were much harder to get on. At first I thought it was due to my skin still being damp. It wasn’t long until I was sure it was because I must have gained weight . . . over night! Why were these pants tight when none of my other ones were? I went into a panic that I am not being realistic again about my weight and that I am gaining and not wanting to face it. I was struggling to keep it together. Gaining my weight back is one of my fears. I got them on and then started to put my make-up on. Then the need to use the restroom hit me. As I went to unzip my pants I realized that I had put my pants on with them zipped. No wonder they were so hard to get up!
     Many things we panic over in life are not based on correct knowledge. It is no coincidence that fears and lies both come from Satan. He is a good fisherman! He gets a hook of panic and baits it with fear and lies, we come along and bite it, and immediately we are hooked by his scheme.
     We need to learn how Satan works and what he uses for his bait so we can recognize it and avoid it. We must start paying attention to how he attacks us. What is Satan's bait for you? Do you know? If you don’t, you will get hooked!

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief—
we’re not oblivious to his sly ways!
2 Corinthians 2:11

1 comment:

Steph said...

I had a pants delima like this on Saturday....I put on my FAVORITE pair of jeans and get in the car to go get a pedicure and realize I need to unbutton them because they are too tight to sit down...boy was I upset!
Satan will use any foot hold if you will let him.