Friday, September 24, 2010

What Makes You Successful

     While we were in New York City, we were able to have dinner out with a few of my sister’s co-workers. One of the people was a very impressive man. He was handsome, funny, and kind. He was very intelligent. He has a powerful position in the world of global finance. He knew everything about everything; from the world economy, to fashion, to celebrity gossip. He is also wealthy beyond imagination. He seems to have all the stuff that most people strive for. He has wealth, family, a prestigious career, knowledge, friends, homes, travel, great personality, good looks, and kindness. However, with all of this, my heart hurts for him for what he does not have. He does not have Jesus! He is not a believer. After calling me and Brittne ‘Holy Rollers’, I asked him why He did not believe. He said he had read a book that showed all the flaws of Christianity. We were not in a situation to have an in-depth conversation, so I challenged him to not make a life decision based on a book from one side. I told him that he needed to read a book from the other side, a book that shows why Christianity is real and then make a decision. I pray that those words will echo in his heart until he does.
     Don’t fall into the trap of looking up to what a person has in this life. Look up to those that are building for the life to come. Also, don’t spend your life reaching for all the things of this world but reach out to Jesus and let Him fulfill His purpose for you.

Prefer my life-disciplines over chasing after money and God-knowledge over a lucrative career.
Proverbs 18:10

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